Jeff Berwick: Everything You Know Is A Lie

in #anarchy7 years ago

If anybody didn't see Jeff live at G. Edward Griffins The Red Pill Expo: You Know Something Is Not Right go to Dollar Vigilante on YouTube now to hear:
Everything is a lie
We live in a combination of the Matrix Movie and The Truman Show (true man)
The Creature From Jekyl Island
End The Fed
Central Banking (communism maifesto agenda)
Dotcom bubble crash in 2000
9/11 Truth
Loose Change
Donald Rumsfeld 9/10/01 2.3 Trillion Dollar fraud
Born Cut You Dick Off (circumsized)
Fill You full of toxins (vaccines)
$250k debt per citizen
Slavery wasn't abolished it was monetized (my words)
12Year indoctrination camps(public education)
Healthcare all symptoms no solution
Fasting (muslims might be onto something)

I attended a seminar called Global Prosperity in the Bahamas in 1999 where G. Edward Griffin was a key note speaker along with David Icke who both have had a profound influence on my thoughts and actions since that time. Those were not much different times then this but the dissent back gen was corralled and deal th with swiftly and with precision by a awakening populous that was out matched by those in power in every single way and resistance was futile. Lot of people went to jail but the playing field is different the borders are less screwed and freedom is more desired by those recognizing that we the human race are in bondage to a system composed of an evil agenda that something within our higher self know can be corrected if WE THE PEOPLE(ALL HUMAN BEINGS) stand up against an evil that real only power is perceived control very similar to a circus elephant being chained. We live in interesting time the block chain is the offshore trust of yesterday with crypto currency in the sight of authorities and the only thing between a dawn of the new age of Aquarius or a spiritual awakening or just hive mind of the Internet passing by the gate keepers is FEAR.

Jeff Berwick no matter what your opinion dropped more truth in 30 minutes then with a vigilance that makes him a Voice of Warning to Awaken To Our Aweful Situation that will make anybody with a little bit of anarchist in them shout in pure bliss at the inspiration of his thought expressed on stage today!

Thanks Jeff Berwick and Dollar Vigilante

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