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RE: Ken O Keefe Freefall - The Shooting Star That Cant find a Vein.. . Notes on a dickhead by Elissa Hawke

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Great read Elissa, thanks. For me, the drama unfolding between both Ken and Igan just reminds me of prior disappointments such as with New Earth Nation, I got some real insights into Sacha Stone and his Wall St Bankers and High Courth Judges while claiming to be all for sovereignity, same with Icke when I met him, as you personally know those stories well with the People's Voice. I think I am kind of sick of the supposedly awake and aware because all people are doing is the same shit they do to eachother in the world of mainstream, very little that is conscious and most of the public figures are still men, why not more strong outspoken women? I often wonder if the reason there are more male speakers or popular figures still than female is it because women have been given too much archetypal baggage to shake off than men have. For me as I age and live in an isolatation away from friends and family, what really matters is a heart, some humanity, and kindness. everything else I can't be bothered with anymore after pouring my heart into environmental problems, in the end all the problems of the world come down to quality of consciousness and compassion and there are few people that truly care about anything other than themselves, you know when they do because they put their heart into what matters to them. Cx


Oh Carlita good to hear from one whos suffered these bumbling goon squads of idiots before in other circumstances. I am totes over the boys clubs. I dont want to work with any of them because they all just feature each other on each others bandwagons, all living off goodwill donations for a decade, and because they are set up as heroes, get endless assistance, sponsors, donations, promotion from the black budget to promote this continually imploding CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, and people who are genuine get fuck all really besides the satisfaction of integrity. I see this as a wonderful opportunity for each of us to stand up in our own way in our own lives however we can, live truth

Very well said, that is exactly what is going on. i've spent my entire life devoted to environmental conservation. I am now completely destitute here in Ecuador, I have genuinely been working my arse off and risking my life to try change things in the Amazon with barely any help only to end up like this. I haven't the funds to get a flight back to the UK and no means of earning a living online because I have been financially targetted since I self published my book last year. So it makes me pretty angry when I see this stuff going on while those of us that are really putting ourselves on the line fall by the wayside.