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RE: A Little Something For the Delusional Anarchists of Steemit

in #anarchy8 years ago

"If we take the total market cap of all cryptos together, most of it has been stolen and/or became subject of fraud. 90% of all coins are scams. Bitcoin is owned by 3 companies in China while you have special cold wallets ingrained on your ass."

Are you missing the fact that fiat is based on debt and crypto has a fixed number of coins at requires proof of work, or in the case of the SAFE network proof of resource? It's not the distribution of money that's the issue it's the nature of money that's the issue dumbass. Debt based money != resource backed money. So what if the elites have 90% of the wealth or some shit like that? If we're using a resource economy in an environment with fixed resources then they will need to exchange that wealth for resources like food and water. And if there are only a few resources and they have lots of money then the price goes up.

"Do you think Big Corporations will cease to exist with a Blockchain revolution? The 1% distribution of wealth happens always in any economic system. Why? Well, for the same reason people clump together like flies on shit. Envy."

Now who is not being a critical thinker. First off let's go back to your original scenario....

"What makes you think that if tomorrow the governments around the world ceased to exist something will change? Let’s say the dollar crashes, economies fail and all of your end-of-the world wet dreams come true. Let’s even add to the mix that Bitcoin takes over. "

No state = no corporations. Corporations = legal fictions. Legal fictions = Products of the GOVERNMENT. No government = no legal fictions = no corporations. And where does the government get it's money from? Taxes. How does the government get taxes? Monitoring finances. What's special about cryptocurrency? It obfuscates finances and allows people financial anonymity. On the SAFE network more than bitcoin but still. Use a bloody bitcoin tumbler and tor at least. Point is no financial monitoring = no taxes = no money for government = no legal fictions = no corporations. The closes you come to a corporation in cryptospace is a DAO which does not serve a specific oligarchy and can be opted in or out of using.

"The problem is not the government, not the banks and not the corporations. The problems you see around you are created from people being sheep. The same mentality that makes you follow scam artists and sensationalist speakers in order to make them...whales because YOU cannot be an individual. Whales that you will be complaining about in the future. "

So let me get this straight. You call yourself an anarchist but are cool with government: an institution based on coercion. You're cool with banks: Institutions based on fraud. And you're cool with corporations: Institutionalized psychopathy which are legal fictions and could not exist without the state. And you're saying the problems in society are not because flouride is being dumped in the water or because of all the insane laws and regulations. Not because we've got corporations that run like behemoth psychopaths who's only goal is profit at the expense of all else. Not because our nations currency systems have been usurped by the central banking cartel and usury and debt based currency has been put in place. No these aren't the problems. The problems are people are sheep and can't be "an individual." While I admit the vast majority of people are conformist sheeple yes, they are largely trained from birth to be that way via institutionalized indoctronation and mass medication. The public education system, fluoridated water, psychotropic drugs to treat any number of "mental illnesses" anything from add to ocd to depression instead of just accepting people how they are or maybe getting out in nature or giving people the right nutrition and emotional support, or there's mass vaccination that causes it's own set of problems. You know I could go on like this but my point is this: While society is pathetic they're largely trained to be pathetic. They're like a large pack of beaten dogs that'll roll over and show their bellies at the slightest move. Now dogs don't HAVE to be that way, they can be indpendent or even be trained to be a fierce pack of guard dogs. Or do any number of things. But if you abuse them and dominate them to death that's what you get: submissive little scared puppies. And that's what our society is like, a bunch of submissive indoctrinated conformists who don't know any better half the time.

Now people are waking up. But yes most are still indoctrinated sheep. But that's not to say that the banks or the government or corporations aren't to blame or are okay. Corporations are fascist institutions pure and simple. Banks = fraud and usury. Government = coercion. It's that simple. If you're going to be an ararchist at least get that much straight.



The existence of @steemit and the whales invalidates your whole argument.