
hmm, are you considering the 90% civilians drone bombed?
Nope, that isn't war. We'll agree there, those are war crimes.
Being committed by... military people... obeying orders... and each one of those BOYS in Nevada flying those aircraft over Pakistan should be brought up ON WAR CRIMES as "I was just obeying orders" is not an excuse.

Here's an idea -- stop putting words in my mouth and perhaps we can have a discussion rather than a one sided game of painting me as some sort of war monger as if you a) know me, and b) know precisely how I think.

Do you know my thoughts on using the tactics you mention ? No.

Nothing you've said is a new argument or comment. I've heard all of this before, but you act as if you're schooling me in something new while assuming I disagree with you and want more civilians to die.