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RE: Anarchy On The Frontier

in #anarchy9 years ago (edited)

I love the example because it shows how people went about designing their own towns or communities. There are hundreds of anecdotal answers to the "What if" posits by statists. Hell, the range wars are a perfect starting point for cautionary tales for community organizers. Dealing with power concentration--which happens whether or not government is part of the community--is easier because we have examples all over the West. The reactions of the settlers are also historical examples of hundreds of "if ;then" scenarios. When faced with native people who weren't happy about the invasion, some stayed and fought, some moved on, and some....called on the government to 'handle' the problem. Without government, the attempted genocide would not have happened. There would have been skirmishes, battles, and wars, but without the massive concentration of power (control of resources), they would have looked much different.