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RE: Muh Borders: My Take on The Border Debate & How My Dogs Handle Immigration Issues

in #anarchy7 years ago

and if the state didnt exist the corporations in america would have already taken it for themselves at gunpoint from us... not just taxes either... all of it


The idea that the state exists to protect the people from unbridled capitalism is completely baseless. The statists are not anti-capitalist. Far from it. In fact, Wall Street banks and Capitol Building offices are often staffed by the same people at different points in their careers. So, if your argument held true, our supposed protectors are also the very same people you claim we need to be protected from. Sorry, man: there is no separation of corporation and state. It's the same beast.

Good point. The idea that many of these corporations would even exist - let alone threaten people with slavery without government is a joke. Most of them depend on government privilege of some sort to even sustain their business (patents, government contracts, other IP rights, eminent domain, etc...). The State-backed corporate structure in the developed world and the government are just two branches of one single coercive structure.