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RE: Soul-DIERS are not heroes. Time to wake up to the biggest lie of them all.

in #anarchy6 years ago

Preach it, brother. The problem is that people don’t know who they’re dealing with, and aren’t even willing to find out. They buy the whole dog-and-pony show of national leaders fighting over ideologies, justice and other such nonsense, when it’s far more complex and devious than that.

Even that kiddie narrative is bad enough warrant indignation, but if they really knew who these war-mongers were, and their true motives, maybe we could get actually get some real blood up about this deplorable and wholly unacceptable state of affairs.

At the absolute very least, no person should even consider military service - or offer an opinion on military conflicts - without reading Smedley Butler. And that’s just the most basic, rudimentary starting point. Can we even get that much under our belt, or are we content to form our worldview on state propaganda and blind regurgitation?

”Ugh... I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.”-Larken Rose


Absolutely, and have to agree with Larken there too!