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RE: A.G.S. - Anarchist Guilt Syndrome: Why You May be Struggling, and What You Can Do About it.

in #anarchy7 years ago

This isn't "talk", these are facts. Facts cannot be debated, they remain firmly established regardless of the assertions and suppositions contrary to this.

Many people HAVE done that for example Judge Anna, she has stood up and said "These don't apply to me" and hasn't paid taxes and has been vocal about it since 99. There's an enormous movement which is waking up to the truth of "government", and that's not "taxation is theft".

I have outlined why and how to approach the situation and you keep trying to shove me into conflict and controversy without even an apropos to my reasoning or method, so let me challenge your assertion: did any of those people establish their domicile on the land, did they reflag their vessles to be at peace, did they demonstrate or shown to approach the situation from a position of resolution and peace, did those thousands know what they were getting themselves in when they contracted with this entity? There's multiple reasons why they were taken advantage of, caveat emptor, and that doesn't make what I said untrue.

For standing behind the talk you would actually have to fucking listen and not make me repeat the same points ad naseum, it's rude.


Right. So walk the walk man. If you are going to pontificate, be ready to also step down from the podium and do. Otherwise, yes, it is just talk. And dangerous advice (if no warning is given of potential consequence) to those who may believe you.

I already know taxes are not “voluntary” as you say, and have evidence. I see concrete evidence for your claims. The issue is that we define “voluntary” differently. Through some giant word salad, you are telling me that technically it is “voluntary.” Through hundreds of actual people getting put in cages for not paying, I am telling you it is not. My definition of “voluntary” is not theoretical.

Even people that don’t “walk into court” or make a show or not paying get kidnapped by the state. Do you disagree?

The only one beating around the bush here is you, my friend.

For the last time, and then I won’t respond anymore if you don’t answer directly:

Even people that don’t “walk into court” or make a show or not paying get kidnapped by the state. Do you disagree?

If you want to explain how people can not pay and still not be harassed just do it already. Enough foreplay!