Death penalty for drug dealers?

in #anarchy7 years ago

So Trump is thinking about giving drug dealers the death penalty.

Okay for us Libertarians and Anarchist this is a no brainer and a hard no. Unfortunately we are not in charge but an unhinged wannabe dictator is leading the US. Let's think about this proposal for a moment Trump wants to have people killed for only supplying a product that is in demand. How can that go wrong? Or not expand to other areas? This is clearly an attempt to expand the states power over the individual. What constitutes a drug dealer in the states or Trump's eyes? Does this really make us all safer? No.

This is a very dangerous idea from a self-described genius. This will not only put the public in greater danger but for you cop lovers your beloved law enforcement officers will be put in greater danger. If an individual is dealing drugs and a cop comes up the dealer knowing that his crime can result in a death penalty what is stopping them from killing the cop to avoid being arrested?

This will hopefully go nowhere because it's not a positive for freedom and will result in more government not less. This will expand the state and create a more aggressive police state and cause more death. This is a path all need to reject liberals, conservatives and especially libertarians unless Fascism is the goal. If Fascism is the goal here we are doomed.


Hail Trump.

Trump the god emperor does no wrong he is better than all other gods!! All that oppose Trump shall be destroyed!!

Go after the drug buyers instead. If you want to stop drug taking, deter the drug takers. That's the more effective route, rather than only going after the dealers who after all are only enablers, not the actual drug takers....That is if you think it desirable to compel people not to take drugs.