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RE: A Little Something For the Delusional Anarchists of Steemit

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

So it's ok for someone with 99.999 euro to lose nothing and it's ok for someone with 100.001 to get a haircut?

Those that lost are not "casino players". They are depositors. I could have sold my 200k house and had the money on the bank. Why should I lose my money?

As for Greece, I doubt you understand the reasons for the problem yet you seem to have a pretty aggressive opinion. Greece wasn't living off the money of others. They were living off their own debt up to 2001. 80% of greek debt was in GRD (Greek Drachmas). Greece was printing its own money and spending it - as most countries do with their national currencies. And then it was magically converted to Euros. A currency that the country wasn't issuing and as thus it would be impossible to repay 100% of its GDP in such a currency.

The Maastricht treaty was very specific that countries that exceed 60% debt-to-gdp ratio should not enter the euro. Greece had 100%. The europeans wanted Greece in, in order to convert the GRD-denominated debt to EUR-denominated debt and as such take over the country. They did this by blatantly violating the Maastricht treaty.

"The treaty led to the creation of the euro. One of the obligations of the treaty for the members was to keep "sound fiscal policies, with debt limited to 60% of GDP and annual deficits no greater than 3% of GDP".[4]"

Anyway, as for the blockchain: Again your estimations regarding blockchain-use by banks and how they are not going to lose much, are quite removed from reality.

In a scenario where cryptocurrency took over the world tomorrow morning, the banks would be out of business. This is due to the fact that their job cannot be sustained without their charges, which cryptocurrency can do without. It's that simple.

How can you be so long into cryptocurrency and not understand something as simple as the profit-business getting destroyed? It boggles my mind.