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RE: How I Became an Anarchist

in #anarchism9 years ago

I enjoy reading the history of anarchism as much as anyone, but I don't think these guys had it entirely fleshed out. We certainly can't say that the anarchism as represented by Tom Woods, Ludwig Von Mises, or Murray Rothbard is the same type of anarchism proposed by say...Kroptokin. Additionally, if you're looking for a 'source' of anarchism... those named in your comment were mostly a generation or two after Frederic Bastiat. I know that Bastiat isn't necessarily always lumped in with pure 'anarchists' of the day, but I think The Law speaks for itself and was published in 1850 when Kroptokin was only 8 years old.

For a source of free market anarchism, I think Lysander Spooner and Frederic Bastiat would be the 'source' of recommendation.

There's always a tendency to want to find the OG - and that's a good thing. But just because Tom Woods is 100 years after these guys doesn't mean he hasn't been a pioneer in the field.

Just my $0.02 and cheers!


I agree, they didn't bring the revolution and therefore didn't have all the answers.
However the demons they failed to slay still control us today.