First, They Ignore You- Voluntary Society Wakes to a New Day Amid Turmoil

in #anarchism5 years ago

Today, a group of Anarchists-- apparently believing that no human should be ruled by anyone else, and that no individual being should be a slave-- deliberately and willfully did NO harm to anyone throughout the otherwise volatile situation on the city's streets.

Police ignored the Anarchists at first, and indeed the lore-enforcement officers were distracted and confused, as a gang of White Supremacists disguised as members of Antifa clashed with a group of Antifa members disguised as White Supremacists in front of the very Dunkin' Donuts that the police had been guarding all day.

At one point in the afternoon, while continuing to blatantly do no harm right in front of a squadron of officers, some of the Anarchists attempted to live their lives and mind their own business, which got quite a laugh from some of the riot cops within the standing formation. (The police found it to be hilarious; the very idea that anyone would think that they could just rule themselves without any outside authority or guidance.)

It was around twilight when the force of uniformed cops attacked the Anarchists, who had stubbornly clung to their 'do no harm' ground throughout the day. Brandishing their non-aggression and not afraid to use it, the voluntary society stood firmly, and as darkness descended upon the streets, it became clear that the Anarchist's ideal of 'no rulers, no slaves' had already been inadvertently spread through the community by the police themselves.

Many residents-- armed only with a fistful of heart and their high-capacity magazines of care-- emerged from their homes to stand with these vigilant Anarchists.

The violent aggressors that had been masquerading as 'Officers of the Peace', being so exposed, had no choice to disperse, as they were hopelessly outnumbered by actual peaceful individuals. The community had discovered the cure for the viral disease of 'We Need Cops to Protect Us', and that contagious mental illness which had kept them in a state of dissonance for so long was eradicated in a single evening of widespread rational thought.

artwork above is mine, 2020
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Anarchy in the usa

Maybe! I guess when the control system is removed, anarchists will just be called 'humans', or 'Earthlings'.

50% of homicides aren't even investigated.
So, giving people speeding tickets is more important than murder.
Yep, that is the police officers.

I guess for cops, solving murders won't pay the light bill, but milking the traffic has become an accepted job, or 'essential work'. Their true function in society is becoming clear to everyone. Even though it seems kinda orchestrated, the growing awareness of the lore and lore-enforcement seems like a good development for everyone overall.

Every day that goes by, it becomes more and more obvious who the real killers are.

Nice artwork!