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RE: Defending Yourself from a Bureaucratic Attack

in #anarchism8 years ago

Interesting that you started off by dismissing me as a statist, then flagged my post... yet still haven't even attempted to argue against the point I made.

So the bullets bother you? Ok what if someone just tried to punch a victim? I've been in fights where I actually did get punched, and couldn't claim "emotional damage." Therefore if someone attempts to punch a person and fails, is a crime committed? Look, there's an entire spectrum of waht might bother people. A battle hardened veteran might not be "emotionally damaged" one bit by a few bullets, while another vet with PTSD might be completely harmed by it. By nitpicking the exemplum you're really just avoiding the point, which is that attempting to hurt someone should be punished regardless as to whether they were successful in causing harm.