Anarchists Saw the Violence of Charlottesville Brewing

in #anarchism8 years ago

daily beast

Me and several other voluntaryists saw the violence of Charlottesville brewing. We knew the alt-right was getting out of control, because their rhetoric has been growing increasingly hostile. We knew the violence was looming.

Staunch voluntaryists have been speaking with these alt-right agitators before they totally disavowed the liberty movement and embraced white nationalism. We knew they were rejecting the principles of liberty and accepting something much darker.

It is just tragic that some people who used to call themselves peaceful anarchists were involved. Now they are happy being white supremacists and Nazis. Specifically, Christopher Cantwell was there, and he was rallying the troops for a fight.

nazi gif

Alt-righters Have Lost Touch with Dignity and Compassion

I am not surprised that he was there, though. It is just sad to see how far downhill him and those like him have gone. They have completely lost touch with any kind of dignity or the ability to communicate compassionately. This is why the events of Charlottesville were utterly predictable.

It is true, "leftists" are to blame as well, but all these "alt-right" factions did was adopt the left's tantrum-like hysteria. They did not do anything to mitigate tensions, only escalate differences and incite warfare. It was the worst possible thing that could have happened, and it is a pockmark on human relations.

bleeding heart

What True Visionaries Were Doing August 11 and 12

If anyone wants to know what actual liberty lovers, compassionate anarchists, and visionaries where doing on the dates of August 11 and 12, they could simply look to San Francisco.

Instead of meeting up to incite violence and brawl with other people in Charlottesville, we were in San Francisco at the Startup Societies Summit trying to figure out how to solve the world's problems. We were working for a good cause through cooperation, connection, and shared kindness. Instead of beating each other and chanting offensive slogans, we were trying to determine the importance of decentralized technology, robotics, seasteading, and psychedelic medicine. We were interested in bettering the world rather than displacing hatred and pain onto others.

Follow the Voluntaryists and Relational Anarchists

If anyone wants to solve the world's problems with true friends of liberty, follow the voluntaryists and relational anarchists who stayed true to the original vision of a free and peaceful society. Do not fall prey to the obsidian evil of altrightism, ethnonationalism, hate, fear, and violence. Solving the world's problems are not done through fighting and destruction. It is done through building, creating, and moving forward with love.

And as I've gotten older, I've had more of a tendency to look for people who live by kindness, tolerance, compassion, a gentler way of looking at things.

~Martin Scorsese

Sterlin Luxan is a visionary thinker, cryptocurrency junkie, connoisseur of psychology, an MDMA high priest, and the Mr. Rogers of Anarchism. He writes for, runs a consultancy business in the crypto space, and is a public speaker. He created the doctrine of relational anarchism and contributes to many causes in the thriving liberty ecosystem.

sterlin good


Beautiful message brother and you're absolutely right. Keep up the good work!

Thank you, sir!

Thank you for sharing this article and information about Anarchy in all of your posts. I think a lot of people are not informed about the differens between Anomie and Anarchy and you are doing a great job raising awareness for Freedom. Resteemed!

Great piece, as always Sterlin. Up-voted.

Yeah, I followed Cantwell on Facebook for a brief time when I was systematically going through and making connections with other liberty-minded people that I encountered on that platform. After a couple of months, I got the picture that this guy was not on the same page with the rest of us, at least not me anyway, so I ended up muting him. It's amazing how far down that dark road he has traveled even since then. The last time I was paying attention to him, he still resembled me in some ways. Not so much now I'm seeing.

Police and the 1% are a way bigger problem than the altright, but media doesnt want the public to think that way.

Antifa and Alt-righters are pieces of shit. The antinfa is a little less smelly turd but still, shit.

For 8 years under Obama the statues were no issue, why now?

So do you really think Steemit is not a waste of time?
Please see my post in this regard at

I am delighted. Thank you for continuing to write.

Thanks and Good luckHello my friend , I am new on the site , can you help and follow me @elad1982 and vote i follow you and upvot you

I agree with your sentiments on the alt right but also think the alt left is just as deplorable. Is anyone sticking up for the freedom of the individual and not just collectivism? To my mind collectivism is just as bad and racism is one of the worst forms of collectivism. Decentralism seems to me to be the ultimate form of individualism and striving for it runs against everything collectivist.

Nazis can go suck a duck's ass.

We lose touch with history when we refuse to disavow violence and hate. It is the people who use their brains and think up solutions who will move the world forward. Thank you for your post it gives me hope.

Interesting post! This conflict between the extremes of the political spectrum is simply divide and conquer working it's magic, It's far easier to split into groups and blame your problems on others then it is to admit our own failings and put in the effort to make positive change.

If the alt-right isn't peaceful, then they're just controlled opposition. Alt-right leader Jason Kessler was a huge democrat all the way up until 2 days before Trump won the election. Did he infiltrate the group or is the group intended to a problem so that all conservatives or people wanting to preserve American history look like Nazis? Either way, there were legitimate people, such as the League of the South, who genuinely want to preserve their heritage. I'm publishing a lot of shocking videos to show the side the mainstream media won't show us about Charlottesville.

Beautiful message brother and you're absolutely right. Keep up the good work!

there is a lot of true in this message from you. I am thanking you with my fully upvote. thanks about the differenz in the anarchy anomie.

well said