Cancelling your voter registration is a method of direct action; more specifically, it is a legal remedy that can be used to implement strategic withdrawal. Rather than just being a non-voter or ex-voter, cancellation essentially gives the middle finger to the State and tells them that you refuse to voluntarily participate in this corrupt cycle of subjugation.
Since I discovered and utilized this legal remedy in Illinois, it is something I have put a lot of work into and is also something that I promote often. The next step in the big scheme of things is to prove its efficacy in all 50 states. Up to this point, we've successfully confirmed it in three: Illinois, Texas, and Indiana.
Well, as of today, there are now four, thanks to a listener/reader successfully cancelling in Michigan.
If you're interested in cancelling yours, please view this PDF that I put together which contains the legal process for 39 states.
Below is the redacted proof of cancellation. Thanks to this individual for their service, and congratulations on the success!
Wow that's amazing! You've consciously given everyone else the right to chose your representatives!
It's funny how people think votes don't matter yet political parties put so much effort into gerrymandering and disenfranchisement. Nice of you to help them out!
In his defense, at least he can honestly say that he is in no way responsible for the continuation of party based politics, and the support of corrupt politicians whose loyalties are in the pocket of the 1% instead of with the people they proclaim to "represent" In effect, he's made it clear that they are NOT HIS representatives.
He could have voted for one of the third parties, giving them a louder voice and making it more likely people would take notice in the future.
Also wow you're digging up old posts! ;)