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RE: Creating Anarchist Communities Through Relational Interaction

in #anarchism8 years ago

I was just talking about this today. Another Steemer and I were having a discussion on their page about anarchism and I was asking how they planned on going about it or how they would like to see it happen. I am not anti-anarchy, I unschooled my son and we studied it a lot. It seems that there has never been a large-scale success for anarchy though and mainly it seems to be a transitional venue for government. I have been seeking to find someone that will set me straight. Maybe the project Mayhem that I am looking for (figuratively) and I am trying to find a path that I can be a part of. I don't know, I know there is a solution out there. Since you talk about a logical debate, I wonder if you perhaps have an idea how or where religion would fit into the modern anarchist vision? What about leadership during a crisis? I lived in the LA area when Rodney King happened and I remember the traffic when OJ went on the run. It got all clogged up downtown. These are times I wouldn't want to go back to. I haven't seen a plan yet, so when I am seeing what others thing as I find people who are writing on the subject that seem to have a strong opinion and who are lacking that very ego attitude that you mention. :)