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RE: Does God exist? (Intelligent debate only)

in #anarchism9 years ago

Some awesome questions. I've actually been struggling with them a bunch lately. As a bit of background, I actually refer to myself as a Christian Anarchist.

I don't think I need to address your points in favor of belief in the existence of G-d, I think they're self-explanatory. But as to the points that are critical I'd love to put in my two cents.

I don't know much about Christianity but I was told in the bible it says something about him not liking organized religion isn't that a bit contradicting?

Yeah, it is a bit contradictory, but the thing to consider is that most people who call themselves Christians may not be doing a good job at following the ordinances in the Bible. I believe G-d originally chose a group of people to lead because He wanted to show them the way to live with each other that would be mutually beneficial to all. This way of life includes having no Earthly ruler over them (see 1st Samuel 8 for the example, this is a large part of why I am an anarchist as well as a Christian). G-d didn't hand down rules/instructions so people could create an oppressive religious organization, it was so the community could live with each other.

and if he is there watching us and looking after us why isn't he saving the starving children in 3rd world countries don't they pray doesn't that mean that they should be looked after by "angels" and what have you, not suffering and dieing I saw a picture online of an African baby starved to death and covered in flies where was his god?

This is one part of a struggle I've been going through recently. I've been going through what some people call a "dark night of my soul". I've been getting to the point where I watch videos of police officers kicking people in the throat and "accidentally" shooting others while they're laying on the ground obeying the officer's orders. I read things like Romans 13 ("All of you must obey the government rulers. Everyone who rules was given the power to rule by God. And all those who rule now were given that power by God.") and Job 34 ("He keeps the wicked from ruling so that they will not bring harm to the people.") and I've been just shaking my head in frustration. "I put this trust in you and this book that I believe tells about you, and I see THIS? People doing what they're told, obeying this command, and they still get treated like this?!" It makes me angry and frustrated and hurt and confused. I tell myself I'm lacking in faith, that I'm beginning to doubt, but what am I really starting to doubt? Have I lost faith in G-d or in people? Do I doubt G-d or do I doubt the book I've been raised to believe tells me who He is? Am I experiencing a lack of faith about my faith or about my religion? I know the answer and many people don't like it, from either side. I know a lot of people pray and their prayers don't seem to be answered. I've been there. My dad has been in a wheelchair for 20+ years and my family has always prayed for his healing, but it hasn't happened. However, despite this pain and these struggles, I still see the ways my life has been led towards good and I haven't been able to lose faith in G-d, but how I view Him is different. Children are starving in third world countries because our systems are corrupted and selfish and wrong. We could easily wipe out poverty and hunger, but we don't because it would hurt too many people's bottom line. The U.S. throws out enough food per year to feed the entirety of other countries, but we make up rules about sharing food so we have an excuse to turn a blind eye. WE can fix it. G-d gives us the freedom to do so, we just don't have enough faith in the goodness of ourselves and each other to work for it.

and yeah I'm pretty into the idea of Atheism but I am not going to try to talk anyone out of there religions

That's cool. It's understandable. I have no problem discussing G-d (or the lack of) with other people. I hope I don't sound like an off-the-deep-end whack-job.