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RE: Defending Yourself from a Bureaucratic Attack

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

"So if someone pulls a gun on you and unloads 6 rounds trying to shoot you, but has terrible aim and misses every shot... no crime was committed?" The bullet rounds went into something, damage was done... So what if I fire back in defense and they die, have I committed a crime?


It's an exemplum, not a real situation. If it makes you f eel better, he was on a dock so the bullets all landed at sea. I guess a shark could claim damages if he were unlucky... ;)

As to the rest, you'll have to ask OP since he's the one claiming damages are needed for a crime to have been committed.

You are the one trying to claim that a person who fails to provide self-defense and fails to pay into a system that provides self-defense, somehow deserves reparations for a threat on their life inherent in the fact that they are human and understand how to feel the fear of death. That all sounds like you believe some kind of God should provide "Justice", but I'm not convenced you'r a believer in God.

I said nothing of the kind.

"attempting to hurt someone should be punished regardless as to whether they were successful in causing harm." ~@telos, Who do you think has the authority to do the "punishing" that you speak of?
When one breathes out, they breathe out CO2. If they believe that CO2 causes harm to the planet("Global Climate Change"), then they would be "attempting to hurt" all people by breathing. Thus, this action acording to you "should be punished regardless as to whether they were successful in causing harm."