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RE: Fiery Anarchists and Online Debate: Leveraging Emotional Intelligence and Overcoming Volatile Impulses

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

Excellent. The idea of anarchy in people without knowledge about it at first means (unruled and stronger one to rule). At a time you anarchist started to come here I was afraid that this will become a place where you prove your "anarchy" and that outside person will start to look negatively on steemit as anarchist ground. I subscribed to you blindly after seeing podcast which mentioned you. But it's like I've hit a jackpot you are wonderful, easy, and compassionate person that are making my uneducated prejudices go away.
In truth I still believe that your anarchist pals are insensitive on matters you are explaining, so thank you for educating them also.
Just yesterday I tried to do the same thing for @lukewearechange , when I asked him on his new post to give back something to the community that is rewarding him by answering their questions. He responded in 20 minutes and asked: "What do you mean, I'm answering right now". When I replied and explained to him that day before he landed 4000$ for posting but didn't answer honest and sincere questions like mine and others in his introduction post (he hasn't checked later or bothered to answer any of the posts). It may seem that he is just advertising himself without caring about those that reward him.
This is a really small community here for the time being and most of the anarchists have gone through bad welcome only because they aren't aware of things you are saying here.
Once again marvelous post. Keep it up.


Great insight Lekismus.

That is one reason why I tend to target anarchists as my audience. Many of them follow along the "harder" routes of anarchistic philosophy, which colors everything as rational and logical. In this sense, they forget about making connections with people and touching the heart.

I hope that we can all work together to get more anarchists coming from the relationalist perspective, since I believe it will also get more people involved in anarchism.

Thanks for taking the time to provide such a great comment.