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RE: You Should Be Offended

in #anarchism8 years ago

Regarding #4, no, that is not how it will always be. The power of rulers depends entirely on their SUBJECTS imagining "authority" to be real. It doesn't matter that some sociopaths want to rule the world; it matters that most decent people think political power is legitimate and necessary. When they stop believing that--and they will--that is the end of tyranny. Sociopaths will then be muggers and small time swindlers, easy enough to stop with a bullet.


It happened many times when anarchy overthrow the current political systems. However, every time it ended up with the same system of ruling again and again. People who rule the world are not sociopaths. They are very sober and drink milk that does a body good. But dream on my friend, dream on.

You somehow think that you’ll be the one with the gun on a tall white horse defending yourself and your family from the horrors of police. But try to imagine it the other way around.

When the Washington Parrots will print more and more paper it will come the moment when it will be more expensive to print the dollar then what it will worth. Then the government won’t be paying police for performing their functions, and there would be no police. The borders will open and all the hoodlum of the World will flood here. All those poor, hungry, uneducated horny young men, who live on one dollar a day. They will come from all those poor countries of South America, Africa, and Asia. They will come with guns into your neighborhood, break your window and come into your door, take your food and break your laptop where you were making your cartoons. You’ll be laying down in a pool of your blood and try to cover your ears not to hear how twenty or thirty of them are raping your ten-year-old sister. And if you move, one of those anarchists will stick a bayonet in your balls. That’s what will happen with all the nice people who were working all their life.

Then there is going to be gang wars when eventually one main gang will win and having won will put their warlord as a main guy in the country. This is how you will get your sociopath dictator.

This has already happened many times in history. It’s easy to scream and break things down. It’s is much harder to come up with a new order that would make most of the people happy, give them jobs, distribute production proportionally over the continents, make money to be represented by real goods and services. You make a video about that order. That’s what will be not politically correct.