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RE: We Don't Need Taxes Where We Are Going

in #anarchism8 years ago

Once again you are describing problems of the state and not a lack of the state... police robbing people... broken street lights (round about is far more effective intersection and 1000 year old road tech which requires no electricity) paying 20 dollars a year to have police service is far more fair then forcing 20 people to pay 100s dollar for you to have that service even though they may never need a policeman in their life. What is exactly responsible and being adult for forcing other people to pay for your personal protection? If a man came up to your wife and sexually assaulted her... is it not your responsibility to swiftly act like a grown adult and defend her or is it the responsibility of your neighbors to pay for a policeman to come fill out the reports and likely never catch the criminal? As for crap education... America spends more on crap education than any other nation on earth and produces the least educated people on earth. America spends the most taxes on criminal justice than any nation on earth and yet has the highest prison population. Paying for such programs needs to be done with a balanced checkbook and fairness. The blockchain offers that fairness and competition to be a good person in business always makes for a successful business model. It is currently designed as a system to reward EVIL CORP and its Henchmen (state protection racket) and not the individual. Anything not done voluntarily is force and force is violence. This is not a paper necessarily to abolish taxes... but to change the way we collect those taxes. Voluntary funding of programs will weed out the ones that don't work and promote the ones that do. 100 years of bailing out century old systems of population control has allowed these services to not evolve with humanity. 2016 is much different than 1916 and we have to change the way government works for the people by decentralizing democracy. The individual deserves to be protected from the collective as much as the collective deserves to be protected by the individual. Thank you for your response.


Exactly as I stated, it is all about complete transparency of which the blockchain provides. Not getting rid of the tax man but to thwart bullshit and corruption and misspent funds.

Exactly... and as the blockchain progresses... we literally wont need taxes where we are going. It will be incrementally changed for the better