Abolish Slavery!?!? Don't Be Crazy! (How to Short Circuit a Common Statist Defense of Government)

in #anarchism8 years ago

History will just repeat itself.

Warlords would take over!

Who will pick the cotton!?!?!?


This was great, thank you. The best argument against government that I've related to is the idea that if we need government to protect us against bad actors, then we absolutely cannot have a government and need to find a better solution, because with a monopoly on the initiation and use of violence, government by its very existence will draw these bad actors like moths to a flame. The continued benefits of immunity they gain from this, over time, only ensures that we end up in tyranny.

Conversely, if we are inherently drawn to community and cooperation, as evidenced by history, then we do not need an institution that relies on coercion and a monopoly on violence, which itself generates continued aggression either domestically or abroad.

We can come to the table and make agreements, but not when only one party can bring a gun.

Well articulated, bro. I detect some Mark Passio lessons in there :)

Thank you man. I really dig a lot of Passio's stuff. Very ground level, elemental stuff. Principles.

Slavery still exists. It's called Debt slavery. You also can avoid police services by having private security or even a bodyguard. Actually living without a state would be good as all the taxes and licenses would be removed. You personally would probably end up spending more on security if the state was removed. I think the government is really bigger than ever because of fiat currency. It will be forced to shrink once the debt overwhelms the system.

Slavery still exists. The 13th amendment outlawed slavery for anyone not convicted of a crime. If you're in jail, you're free game for slavery.

I interpret that particular law as to provide a way to force prisoners to grow their own food and not be a burden on society. Not slave them out to corporations.

I wish our country likewise interpreted it that way. The private prison industry, replete with fill quotas, exists. Those people are slaves. And it's a tragedy.

How does voluntarism work to reduce theft by others? Or do we just have to live with it until all become enlightened enough not to steal?