Monopolies are impossible to sustain absent government protectionism because absent market competition, there's no way to determine accurate prices. When prices don't accurately express consumer demand in terms of finite supply, supply gets out of whack. Also, when there's no competition, there's no incentive to provide good service or reduce costs lower because there's no competitor who will beat you to to it. In an anarchistic world, any monopoly would draw competition that would effectively end the monopoly.
And it absolutely should be applied to the men and women calling themselves "government" because these men and women are still providing services (roads, schools, emergency response, etc.) without competition, which means they are being inherently inefficient with regard to both quality and price.
So again, how does one prevent people from getting monopolies by giving people a monopoly? That's logically incoherent. What evidence do you have that the men and women calling themselves government should be granted an exception to basic economics just because they force people to pay them instead of relying on good customer service?