Defending Yourself from a Bureaucratic Attack

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

The fortunate thing about the American legal system (wow, what a weird way to start a sentence) is that it's built on the adversarial common law model, which requires corpus delicti, or evidence that a victim incurred damages, in order to charge someone with a crime. I know that sociopathic statists don't always comply with their own rules, which is kind of the point (as you will see), but stay with me for a minute.

You'll be glad that you did - especially if you someday find yourself in a position where you're being attacked for a drug, traffic or tax "violation" like I have been.

Territorial / Subject Matter Jurisdiction.

The role of government, according to the declaration of independence and constitution which supposedly limit and justify the existence of government (har har!), is to protect and maintain the property rights of individuals. As an extension of government, the subject matter jurisdiction of the courts is likewise limited to the same purpose.

A valid cause of action is supposed to be filed before a prosecutor is allowed by a judge to prosecute a case. One of the elements of a cause of action is subject matter jurisdiction. Without evidence of subject matter jurisdiction, there's no cause of action. Since we know that subject matter jurisdiction of the courts is limited to the protection of property rights, evidence of corpus delicti would need to be presented in order for a controversy to be presented to the court.

In plain English: it has to be proven that someone sustained bodily or property damage in order for there to be a controversy the courts can hear, or it has to be proven that a rule applies in the first place before it can be demonstrated that the rule was broken.

Who's the victim in a tax or drug violation? I mean OTHER than the accused. Oh yeah, there is none.

Let's suspend disbelief and pretend that expropriation under auspices of property protection isn't a performative contradiction and that these sociopaths haven't already gone far beyond the scope of their mission statement, at least for the purposes of this exercise.

Bureaucrats take advantage of your ignorance.

When legislators create arbitrary rules called statutes and codes that criminalize victimless acts, they rely on the fact that most people don't know enough about corpus delicti or causes of action to challenge the subject matter jurisdiction of the court. They also rely on the fact that most people don't know enough about the legal theory of adversarial courts to question judges who shoulder the prosecution's burden to prove jurisdiction, despite the fact that they've explicitly agreed to presume the innocence of the accused with regard to all elements of the charges, including subject matter jurisdiction.

In other words, they PRESUME that the constitution (and statutes, regulations and codes to which it gives rise) automatically apply to you because of your physical location - even when there's no evidence of a victim or damaged property; even when there's no evidence that their presumption is factually accurate.

Rigged Game.

How are they able to maintain fairness and presume your innocence if they're simultaneously presuming your guilt with regard to an element of the charge against you? They can't. Can you say rigged game? I'm sure you can, and boy, don't they hate it when you do - especially in a whole room full of people.

They HAVE to make this presumption because, without evidence of a property rights violation, they have no evidence of their own subject matter jurisdiction.

As a result, if you're accused of a victimless crime and you challenge the subject matter jurisdiction of the courts by using the Socratic method to uncover the prosecution's lack of evidence proving that the constitution, statutes, codes and regulations apply to you because of your physical location, it forces them to do one or both of the following:

  1. Engage in prosecutorial and/or judicial misconduct.
  2. Dismiss the charges.

Both outcomes diminish the perception of legitimacy with regard to statism, thereby resulting in the net reduction of statism, which is exactly what every anarchist and voluntaryist hopes to accomplish. If the judge allows the prosecution to proceed past arraignment absent evidence that the constitution, statutes and codes apply, the judge will be guilty of judicial misconduct for bearing the burden of evidence on behalf of the prosecution (which demonstrates extreme prejudice) and for allowing the prosecution to call witnesses to testify to the validity of evidence that hasn't even been submitted, which is a violation of rule 602. Likewise, the prosecutor will be guilty of prosecutorial misconduct for breaking the same rule.


Did the Netflix documentary Making a Murderer upset you at all? Did the prosecution of Steven Avery and Brandon Dassey seem fishy and unfair?

Isn't throwing people in jail over taxes, drugs and traffic without even providing evidence that the codes and statutes apply in the first place equally unfair? How can it be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the constitution and statutes to which it gives rise have been violated if it can't even be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they applied in the first place?

I'll leave it to you to ponder on that.

As I've pointed out elsewhere, citizens don't exist absent a reciprocal obligation of protection and allegiance. If citizens don't exist, neither does the body politic, and neither does "the state". The people calling themselves "the state" are therefore nothing more than a group of men and women who force people to pay them.

For whatever reason, these men and women still use adversarial courts to attack their victims, which means there's still a chance for damage control if you find yourself in their crosshairs for not submitting to the theft of taxation, or for traffic and drug "violations". This means that there's still a way to peacefully make plunder more burdensome than consensual exchange which also allows you to live as free as possible. If you're like most people who defend themselves, things won't even proceed past the administrative process.

No State Project and Marc Stevens

This article was inspired by the work of Marc Stevens and the No State Project. For more information about effectively defending yourself from a bureaucratic attack by challenging subject matter jurisdiction, please visit The No State Project, or contact its proprietor @marcstevens.

Please note that this content is not to be conflated or equated with "Freeman on the Land", "Sovereign Citizen" or any other such scheme whereby people make legal claims for which they are assuming the burden of proof. This content pertains to use of the Socratic method to pursue QUESTIONS OF FACT to obtain any evidence (if any) of a prosecutor's claim that the constitution and statutes, rules and codes to which it gives rise apply to any individual due to that individual's physical location.

About the Author

I'm Jared Howe! I'm a Voluntaryist hip hop artist and professional technical editor/writer with a passion for Austrian economics and universal ethics. You can catch my podcast every Friday on the Seeds of Liberty Podcast Network.


So if someone pulls a gun on you and unloads 6 rounds trying to shoot you, but has terrible aim and misses every shot... no crime was committed?

Are you claiming that credible threats of violence and coercion aren't crimes, or just that they aren't crimes when men and women calling themselves government do it?

That's what's wrong with statists.

Probably refers to this part

it has to be proven that someone sustained bodily or property damage in order for there to be a controversy the courts can hear

FYI your natural unalienable rights are property. If someone infringes upon your rights, your property has been damaged.

Yeah, I don't think that is a logical response to the question. Here's an upvote for you to try again.

If I give a dumb answer to something can I get an upvote too? ;)

He's the one claiming you need

evidence that a victim incurred damages, in order to charge someone with a crime

If all shots missed, no damages were incurred.

You need context. This is about the U.S legal system. We believe in the Non-Aggression Principle, which means that we believe that the initiation of force is objectively immoral, and criminal.

Criminal? Who's writing that law in anarchist society?

And no, not out of context. I'm pointing out the flaw in his understanding of that principle. It's absolutely a crime despite no measurable damage to a victim.

@jaredhowe: I don't know who you're arguing with, but it ain't me. Nothing you just said has anything to do with what I've said.

The initiation of force is objectively immoral and criminal, therefore you can't fathom why I would want to help people defend themselves when force is initiated against them by statists?

This is about the best argument against your argument.

I'm really struggling with this entire anarchist thing. The system we currently have is the worst ever conceived, except for all the others before. I don't see how this is realistically feasible. There are costs for victimless crimes. Legalize drugs? Sure, I can entertain that - especially not making it criminal. But, who is going to administer violent crimes? You? Me? This seems to require structure.

"So if someone pulls a gun on you and unloads 6 rounds trying to shoot you, but has terrible aim and misses every shot... no crime was committed?" The bullet rounds went into something, damage was done... So what if I fire back in defense and they die, have I committed a crime?

It's an exemplum, not a real situation. If it makes you f eel better, he was on a dock so the bullets all landed at sea. I guess a shark could claim damages if he were unlucky... ;)

As to the rest, you'll have to ask OP since he's the one claiming damages are needed for a crime to have been committed.

You are the one trying to claim that a person who fails to provide self-defense and fails to pay into a system that provides self-defense, somehow deserves reparations for a threat on their life inherent in the fact that they are human and understand how to feel the fear of death. That all sounds like you believe some kind of God should provide "Justice", but I'm not convenced you'r a believer in God.

I said nothing of the kind.

"attempting to hurt someone should be punished regardless as to whether they were successful in causing harm." ~@telos, Who do you think has the authority to do the "punishing" that you speak of?
When one breathes out, they breathe out CO2. If they believe that CO2 causes harm to the planet("Global Climate Change"), then they would be "attempting to hurt" all people by breathing. Thus, this action acording to you "should be punished regardless as to whether they were successful in causing harm."

If all shots missed, no damages were incurred.

False. There are demonstrable emotional damages for threatening with deadly force. Either you used fear to try to compel someone to use force against themselves, or you were trying to harm them, the threat of which resulted in emotional damages, which are definitely demonstrable.

Again, this is the problem with statists. They only pretend to care about crime when the people who engage in it aren't wearing costumes.

All shots missed what? It seems unlikely every bullet would literally hit nothing at all such that "no damages were incurred."

Right. Emotional damage. So are you going to throw internet trolls in jail too when they hurt peoples' feelings? I'm sure the victim could demonstrate emotional harm.

Also the scenario was laid out pretty simply, don't see where you're getting this "compel someone to use force against themselves bit." I clearly said they were being shot at.

Again, this is the problem with anarchists. They can't argue against points so they argue against things you didn't say and try to insult you.

Your claim now is threatening someone with deadly force is the same as posting on the internet?

Again, this is the problem with statists.

They can't argue against points so they argue against things you didn't say and try to insult you.

Like "So if someone pulls a gun on you and unloads 6 rounds trying to shoot you, but has terrible aim and misses every shot... no crime was committed?", for example?

Yet another problem statists: gaslighting and projection

Now you're doubling down by alleging that I'm alleging proportionality doesn't exist?

I'm saying that attempting to kill someone is, and should be, be punishable even if you can't prove damage.

Which implies you don't think damages can be proven when threatening someone with deadly force.

Wow indeed.

Wow. Look, you said all someone needed to do was prove emotional damage. People claim that all the time on the internet. Bullies can go to jail for those emotional damages.

This is all based on you claiming you have to prove damage to the victim and then assuming I'm a statist to ignore my point rather than actually discussing it.

I'm saying that attempting to kill someone is, and should be, be punishable even if you can't prove damage. I'm saying that your interpretation of the law is flawed and based on a single point which can easily be questioned on situations like the one I gave.

Interesting that you started off by dismissing me as a statist, then flagged my post... yet still haven't even attempted to argue against the point I made.

So the bullets bother you? Ok what if someone just tried to punch a victim? I've been in fights where I actually did get punched, and couldn't claim "emotional damage." Therefore if someone attempts to punch a person and fails, is a crime committed? Look, there's an entire spectrum of waht might bother people. A battle hardened veteran might not be "emotionally damaged" one bit by a few bullets, while another vet with PTSD might be completely harmed by it. By nitpicking the exemplum you're really just avoiding the point, which is that attempting to hurt someone should be punished regardless as to whether they were successful in causing harm.

"attempting to hurt someone should be punished regardless as to whether they were successful in causing harm." ~@telos, Who do you think has the authority to do the "punishing" that you speak of?

If someone pulls a gun on you, it's still an act of violence even if they missed you with every shot. An act of violence, whether by action or threat of action, should be prosecuted as such. We don't need arbitrary rules (aka statutes) to know that violence is wrong. Nobody should be allowed to make rules that impose duties on others.

I completely agree with you! I think OP's mistaken in claiming measurable harm needs to have been done to the victim. Attempting harm to a victim should be enough.

As someone who attempted to defend myself in court I can tell you that the process, forms, and procedures are beyond my ability to process and I spent days studying.

You also cannot find any lawyer who will argue this case for you because they would likely lose their license.

If you ever wanna be able to afford the best lawyers @dantheman then you might wanna look at this:

@dantheman & @ned: I will pay you $1 Billion USD for all Steem Related Assets

Which is why people need to be able to defend themselves. Think of how much time I've invested just to be able to write this article. An attorney is a waste of money. It takes a lot of practice to not get derailed when using the Socratic method to uncover lack of evidence and there are no magic bullets but it's possible to keep the burden of proof on the prosecution, and it's possible to get stays and dismissals. When I can't handle things on my own, I personally just hire Marc. He's saved my bacon once on income taxes already.

I got two felonies reduced to misdemeanors with no time or fines, I just signed the paper and walked out.
If I had been better prepared at the initial appearance I could have done better.

Using Marc's method and paperwork.

The article is on point. For a court to even hear a (controversy) or case they have to prove jurisdiction.

Filing a suit against someone assuming no state monopoly on justice can be as easy as arbitration or simply ignoring the infringement.

Great article hope I didn't get this wrong Marc Stevens is shaking things up and telling people how to do it. Thank you for sharing this information Jared. I will undoubtedly need it in the future.

My brother in law, no bs, got kidnapped by the state for blowing a 0.04, he argued and said "this isnt a dwi" and the cop replied "that is up to the judge to figure out." his bond was 5k secured so he had to pay a bail bondsman $750 and the impound lot $350 to get his car back. It's crazy in nc.

Can smart legal contracts begin to chip away at any of this?