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RE: We Don't Need Taxes Where We Are Going

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

Come on you can't be serious. I would hate to live in a world like that. Pay your damn taxes like a responsible adult. I don't want to call privatised police forces and pay X amount of my pocket for them to potentially catch a bad guy.

You've singled down that it is the banks that obviously own everything. Go against them, let's go forward with public domain records of transactions and transparency, and then pay your taxes as it is what makes the world go round.

I live in a country where few pay taxes and let me tell you, it is chaotic. Crap education, lazy police force which spend most of their time robbing the people, fucking pot holes everywhere and NOBODY wants to pay out of their pocket to help, at least 10% of the street lights are broken and cause massive amounts of traffic jams, tons of accidents because nobody follows road rules, the list goes on, not to mention anyone that wears a white apron and the uniform of a doctor suddenly is a doctor. That is what happens.

You can't seriously be suggesting 3rd world country standards and expecting better than what everything currently is.


I agree. I want to be an anarchist, but even in my first-world country I see too many people dropping through the cracks of society, uncared for and blamed for their own poor fortunes.
Removing support just cant be the answer.

There is nothing wrong with being compassionate and helping people. Being an anarchist doesn't mean you don't help people. In fact you would likely have a more direct hand in helping.

One thing people seem to not realize (and this may not be you) is that to be compassionate you have to have CHOSEN to help someone. If you are helping someone because you are forced to pay into a pool and made no choice then that has nothing to do with compassion. You made no choice so it was not driven by compassion.

To consider something compassionate (in my eyes - so I could be wrong - feel free to discuss) I truly think someone needed to voluntarily make a decision to help someone.

I consider voluntary charities compassionate. I consider handing a person asking for help some money, some food, some clothing, or whatever you can to help as being compassionate.

I do not see paying your taxes to have a single thing to do with compassion.

I am NOT saying to stop paying taxes. I am saying paying taxes has nothing to do with compassion.

NOW before you say, what is your point....

I was seeing the "I see too many people dropping through the cracks of society, uncared for and blamed for their own poor fortunes.
Removing support just cant be the answer."
as a compassionate person wanting to make sure that those that need help continue to get it.

They will. If I have money to give I will give some to help people. Yet, when the government (which is extremely wasteful) takes money from me that I cannot refuse to give, I KNOW that the vast majority of that which is earmarked to help people doesn't actually make it to help the person.

Therefore, if they didn't take the money I'd be more effective in paying to help the people directly.

Good post, upvoted. Im aware that anarchists and libertarians believe that charity will step in if government were removed. The problem is continuity, you will be charitable while you can and help your neighbour, but what happens to your neighbor when you also hit hard times?
The state, if managed properly (sprinkle of irony) can be far more effective at continuity than charity can. The UK government are experimenting with blockchain benefits payments that, if done properly (insert more irony here) will remove a lot of waste.

Very well said ! I live in Indonesia and it looks just the way how you described but they already started chasing everybody to pay their taxes . Where the money really goes ....oh well ! Can't see much difference except new luxery hotels inbetween the mess , probably in somebody's pockets's kind of funny , as a native Austrian I should have been a good girl paying more To my government but I got away with 1 year only and this when I was a school teacher :) that's over 38 years ago ! Haahh that's a true Rebel ! Anarchie !!!

You're trying to refute an argument for anarcho-capitalism (ancap) by pointing to the shabbiness of your own non-ancap country? Ancap doesn't mean there's no money going toward infrastructure. It simply means no central govt. Private companies would compete for fees which would replace taxes. You can learn some basics at

Think about this... If you pay the private police X dollars (doesn't have to be huge amount as they should have many customers) then they get X dollars. Your money went right where you wanted to. You could likely even negotiate and contractually agree on what X should be. If you don't like it there likely would be competitors.


You can give the government X dollars. They can take a percentage off of that for the politicians to pass the bills and such. So now let's be nice and say that is only 5%... So we are now at Y=X-5%.

They send it to the agency they created to do this policing. They pay a lot of people sitting around desks (some who are looking at porn while at work) so let's knock another 5% off to pay them. Again that is being nice.

Y=X-5%-5% Y=X-10%

The police force must be outfitted. This is likely done through a contractor other than that police force, and NOT chosen by the police force so likely going through a similar bureaucracy as the above process. Let's shave another 10% off there for repeating the bureaucracy.

Y=X-10%-10% Y=X-20%

So being nice... If you want the government to do it your money would be 20% less effective if I am being nice.

Recent studies have shown in reality in many cases the amount of money for grants and welfare and other thing is actually only about 20% what was actually paid. So if you want to waste money... have the government do it...

That is what I was trying to get at in this much more simplified post:

Taxes will simply shift from income to consumption. The state can require tax be collected on goods and services. It's a little harder to prove a service was performed, but can be done.

Like grittenald, i also live in a country of poor tax payment compliance. And the roads are a mess here because the city hires contractors to do something underground and to do that they destroy the road's pavement. Then after, they do not always get around to putting the road back into shape.

The president stole billions of dollars worth from this country. So, it realy begs the question can we make governments use multi-signature wallets of some tethered asset so one person is not capable of stealing so much while in office?

Once again you are describing problems of the state and not a lack of the state... police robbing people... broken street lights (round about is far more effective intersection and 1000 year old road tech which requires no electricity) paying 20 dollars a year to have police service is far more fair then forcing 20 people to pay 100s dollar for you to have that service even though they may never need a policeman in their life. What is exactly responsible and being adult for forcing other people to pay for your personal protection? If a man came up to your wife and sexually assaulted her... is it not your responsibility to swiftly act like a grown adult and defend her or is it the responsibility of your neighbors to pay for a policeman to come fill out the reports and likely never catch the criminal? As for crap education... America spends more on crap education than any other nation on earth and produces the least educated people on earth. America spends the most taxes on criminal justice than any nation on earth and yet has the highest prison population. Paying for such programs needs to be done with a balanced checkbook and fairness. The blockchain offers that fairness and competition to be a good person in business always makes for a successful business model. It is currently designed as a system to reward EVIL CORP and its Henchmen (state protection racket) and not the individual. Anything not done voluntarily is force and force is violence. This is not a paper necessarily to abolish taxes... but to change the way we collect those taxes. Voluntary funding of programs will weed out the ones that don't work and promote the ones that do. 100 years of bailing out century old systems of population control has allowed these services to not evolve with humanity. 2016 is much different than 1916 and we have to change the way government works for the people by decentralizing democracy. The individual deserves to be protected from the collective as much as the collective deserves to be protected by the individual. Thank you for your response.

Exactly as I stated, it is all about complete transparency of which the blockchain provides. Not getting rid of the tax man but to thwart bullshit and corruption and misspent funds.

Exactly... and as the blockchain progresses... we literally wont need taxes where we are going. It will be incrementally changed for the better

Grittenald, YOU can pay YOUR taxes as they are voluntary. Taxes administered from the barrel of a gun can only be considered THEFT. I own my life and what I produce is mine. Cryptocurrency protects the fruits of my labor in ways the industrial age "money", can't. Cryptocurrency is outside the realm of the sociopathic CRIMINALS otherwise known as the BORG ( The BORG are unable to plunder me or anyone else using crypto, as they do not create it, and because is is based on the immutable laws of math it is impossible to regulate it.

This puts them in a serious position,because only place the BORG adds value to society is the control and regulation of the money supply. They achieve this by having monopolistic control over the money and violence! The mechanism they use to achieve unlimited power is now currently sad! They are now unable to plunder as efficiently as they did in the industrial age because the cost of plunder is much higher. As Bastiat wrote in "the Law" ( that

Man can live and satisfy his wants only by ceaseless labor; by the ceaseless application of his faculties to natural resources. This process is the origin of property.
But it is also true that a man may live and satisfy his wants by seizing and consuming the products of the labor of others. This process is the origin of plunder.
Now since man is naturally inclined to avoid pain — and since labor is pain in itself — it follows that men will resort to plunder whenever plunder is easier than work. History shows this quite clearly. And under these conditions, neither religion nor morality can stop it.
When, then, does plunder stop? It stops when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than labor.
Taxes are unethical because they are based on plunder and it is illogical for have ethical ends from ethical means. (

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That's just that you live in a country with low IQ people. ANCAP ideology is mostly meant for small states in mind with high IQ individuals like the OP.