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RE: Anarchism won't work for everyone.

What are the full results of my labour?

If company x offers me $20/hr for my labour in return for keeping what I produce and I agree. I own my means of production and I am voluntarily parting with it in return for money. If company X combine the product of my labour with the product of person b's labor (which they also paid for), then sell that for a profit (the price of THEIR labour). How has anyone done anything wrong? If I then turn around and tell company a that really the money they made for their part in the process belongs to me somehow I am nothing more than a thief and a schyster.


You need to labor for the rich to eat in this society they take most of what you produce

Walk me through this. Workers and employers have consensual relationships where workers trade time and labor for fixed sums of money because they prefer the money more than what they're producing (and the responsibility and risk that comes with owning what they're producing). Workers enter into these relationships because they expect to be better off than they otherwise would have been if they hadn't. This is called profit. Are you saying that the employer has no expectation of profit? Are you saying that workers are too stupid to agree to terms that are beneficial to them? Are you saying employers, investors and entrepreneurs don't work? Investors incur a majority of the risk in a business and entrepreneurs usually put in 16 hour days. At what point does it become reasonable to expect investors and "rich" people not to profit? What evidence do you have that they don't work?

It sounds to me like you're just class baiting like a typical Marxist

At what point does a consensual exchange become theft?

full results are everything you produce e.g. the equivalent of 400-500 thousand dollars a year min

What's your evidence of this claim?