Documenting the Coming Economic Collapse Pt. 3 How the F**K Did We Let It Get This Far??!!

in #anarchism9 years ago

In our last foray into the documenting of the economic collapse we touched on the founding fathers and others throughout history who us what would happen if we let central bankers, or maybe a better description, private corporations control the money supply.  It is amazing what foresight they had, knowing that letting these varmints in would eventually cause the downfall of our economy, our way of life and even worse...enslaving us.

Well folks, I didn't think I would see it my lifetime but unfortunately we are there.

Ask yourself a few questions:

1. Are you better off now than you were 10 years ago? For most, the answer is a resounding NO!! As a matter of fact, statistics show that the average family, or the almost non-existent middle class, household income is somewhere around where they were in the 1970's!! 

2. Do you really believe that the unemployment level is under 5%, which would be what they call 100% employment?  Again, the only answer is NO!  Yet, all the bullshit statistics they throw at us PROVE that less than 5% of the population is unemployed...What they don't tell you is that they don't count people who have been unemployed so long  because once their unemployment benefits run out (typically 99 weeks), they are considered as "not looking for a job".  They also don't tell you that if someone loses a good paying full time job and gets 2 shitty paying part-time jobs, they consider that as a net +1 because one job was lost while 2 were created.  Add to those already skewed and deceiving numbers, most of the jobs today pay much less than they did 10 years ago, supporting the fact that household income is at 1970's levels.

3. Do you feel like the economy is on the uptick because that's what they are saying on Bloomberg, CNBC or Fox Business channel?  The fact of the matter is these talking heads are paid by a corporation, one that makes absolutely sure that their "experts" are on the same page as the "official" government narrative.  Don't believe me?  Did you know that 6 corporations...that's right 6...own most of the media including MSM (mainstream media), newspapers, magazines and establishment online news sites?

4. Do you think that the governments of the world can ever pay back their sovereign debt? Considering the US alone owes nearly $20 trillion (and it's in the hundreds of trillions if you count unfunded liabilities such as Social Security and Medicare) and that most countries economies are either stagnant or losing ground every year, the answer to this one can only be NO!!

5. Do you feel like your money is safe in the bank? Did you know that when you deposit your money in a bank these days you are no longer considered a depositor, you are basically an "investor" in the bank, which means if the bank needs your money to stay afloat, they are welcome to "use"'s called a bail-in and no matter what anyone tells you, it's written into law already.  Europe has already experienced bail-ins and it would be extremely naive to think that we are not on that path.  After the "recession" of 2008, there were supposed to be controls and regulations put into effect to limit how much and what kind of risk banks can take, and they were also supposed to be able to whether any crisis so there would be no such thing as "too big to fail".  Well what a surprise that the banks are in much worse shape today than they were in 2008.

6. Do you consider gold and silver to be money? Did you know that our constitution states that the treasury is the only one allowed to coin money? Did you know that the money in your pocket does not come from the Federal Government?  Did you know that the money in your pocket is worth NOTHING, except for the fact that the government says it is "by decree"...which is called fiat.  When the central bankers say "Gold is ancient relic" and "Gold has no use in society therefore it has no value", even though it has been used as money for literally thousands of years, do you believe them?  If it has no value, why are they sucking it up at unprecedented rates while making sure YOU have no desire for it?

There are many more questions we could ask ourselves.

But for now, the two biggest questions we need to ask ourselves is "When will this ponzi scheme come crashing down?" and "What can I do to protect myself and my family from this imminent, inevitable and certainly devastating collapse?"

These are a few questions we will delve into in our next installment tomorrow.  Be sure to follow this blog so you don't miss a post.