Capitalists and land-owners will hoard all the wealth and leave the rest of us to starve, if we allow them to. They will hire private police and private militias to protect their resources. The resources (or the wealth that it generates) will have to be forcibly taken from them and the wealth generated redistributed amongst the people. That can be done by the State, which might be able to leverage its superior power so as to convince them to hand it over without a fight, or it can be done by people organizing directly, grass-roots style, and using violence to take those resources. The latter is more libertarian, sure, but also more violent and will cause more suffering and distress. The former solution actually seems better, especially since the State doesn't have to do it all at once, it can gradually take more and more by increasing taxes slowly over time, making it possible to take over those resources over time, maybe over the course of several generations, without the private owners even realizing what is happening or, at least, without shocking the private owners into rebellion.
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