Anarcho-transhumanism is a small movement, I think. William Gillis addresses issues of AI, transhumanism, etc. from an anarchist perspective, although I really disagree with his views. I prefer Bookchin's approach of communalism and democratic confederalism to Gillis' individualist free association approach. There's also Aaron Bastani and "fully-automated luxury communism"...Bastani is definitely libertarian socialist, not entirely anarchist but close. But AI hasn't been sufficiently dealt with by anyone, from any political perspective. There's also the "workers of the world, relax!" folks and the labor abolitionists. Their approach to automation might have pushed them to address AI, but I'm not familiar enough with their works and ideas.
There's also Elon Musk, who advocates direct democracy and supports anarchism, definitely left-libertarian in his views (although his personal conduct has been criticized by the left). Musk focuses a lot on questions of AI. He's not exactly an anarchist theorist though.