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RE: We Don't Need Taxes Where We Are Going

in #anarchism8 years ago (edited)

There is nothing wrong with being compassionate and helping people. Being an anarchist doesn't mean you don't help people. In fact you would likely have a more direct hand in helping.

One thing people seem to not realize (and this may not be you) is that to be compassionate you have to have CHOSEN to help someone. If you are helping someone because you are forced to pay into a pool and made no choice then that has nothing to do with compassion. You made no choice so it was not driven by compassion.

To consider something compassionate (in my eyes - so I could be wrong - feel free to discuss) I truly think someone needed to voluntarily make a decision to help someone.

I consider voluntary charities compassionate. I consider handing a person asking for help some money, some food, some clothing, or whatever you can to help as being compassionate.

I do not see paying your taxes to have a single thing to do with compassion.

I am NOT saying to stop paying taxes. I am saying paying taxes has nothing to do with compassion.

NOW before you say, what is your point....

I was seeing the "I see too many people dropping through the cracks of society, uncared for and blamed for their own poor fortunes.
Removing support just cant be the answer."
as a compassionate person wanting to make sure that those that need help continue to get it.

They will. If I have money to give I will give some to help people. Yet, when the government (which is extremely wasteful) takes money from me that I cannot refuse to give, I KNOW that the vast majority of that which is earmarked to help people doesn't actually make it to help the person.

Therefore, if they didn't take the money I'd be more effective in paying to help the people directly.


Good post, upvoted. Im aware that anarchists and libertarians believe that charity will step in if government were removed. The problem is continuity, you will be charitable while you can and help your neighbour, but what happens to your neighbor when you also hit hard times?
The state, if managed properly (sprinkle of irony) can be far more effective at continuity than charity can. The UK government are experimenting with blockchain benefits payments that, if done properly (insert more irony here) will remove a lot of waste.