Schrodinger's Government

in #anarchism8 years ago

Once opon a Facebook profile-- looooooong ago in January 2016 (I was so young, then)..


I did a snarky series of Schrodinger-meets-anarchist-satire status updates. Recently an anarchist friend asked me to track these down, and I couldn't find them at first (Facebook makes nothing easy).

Alas, after several days, I eventually stumbled upon them.

Everyone loves a dumb joke sometimes. Enjoy 5 dumb jokes! ..skips away..

#1 - Schrodinger's Social Contract

It does not exist until a statist observes the anarchist in the wild minding his own business, at which point it suddenly manifests, complete with signature, slung around the anarchist's neck.

#2 - Schrodinger's Government "Services"

No government service exists until, of course, the anarchist is observed by the statist while driving on the roads, in which case, the road magically exists as a service to the anarchist.

#3 - Schrodinger's Politics

Politics does not exist as a field of study or a philosophy until a Political Philosophy professor observes an anarchist logically refuting him in his own classroom.

#4 - Schrodinger's Redistribution

No legitimate authority to extort anyone for any reason exists until, of course, the anarchist is observed by his unemployed statist neighbor's three children as he is exiting the driveway in his corvette.

#5 - Schrodinger's Government

No legitimate authority to rule over anyone actually exists until, of course, thieves observe free men and wonder how best to turn them into long-term, willing victims.

{Note: Like many of us in the liberty community, I make memes, collect them from all over, save hundreds to my phone, etc. I know some of my friends probably made these memes, so feel free to speak up if you made one of these funnies. I must have a thousand anarchist/liberty memes on my computer by now. It's an addiction, really.}


Great article! Thank you for sharing, all for one and one for all! Namaste :)

The uncertainty principle as illustrated by partisan doublespeak. Love this!

thanks for sharing this material, I like what you posted. Thank you so much

Great article. Thank you!

All of these are great, thanks! I might steal #4.

Feel free to take it, you know it's not theft to me. :)

One of my favorite reads so far! Funny and yet accurate AF! Love it :)

Ooo this made me all tingly inside, and you called it a contract, how many people call it that and understand law is synonymous with the terms and conditions of the correct. Not to mention the contract is actually the parties involved acceptance of the terms and conditions through either verbal or action, and the paper with the signatures is a mere memorial of such an agreement.

Oh law, you complete me, your article was truly a treat to read.

Or maybe you signed the contract and just don't remember, you probably were high or drunk like all these anarchists tend to be. Anyway it was notarized, in triplicate and filed properly, so the contract stands.

My first flagged comment... interesting

I apologize if I missed your sarcasm in the original comment, and you meant it as a total joke. I downvoted it because I try to save any downvotes for things that seem to detract from a healthy discussion flow (I actually don't downvote based on feelz or disagreements, I'm not so petty).

If you weren't serious, and that was a joke comment, then I should I have upvoted it, actually.
Text doesn't always make things abundantly easy to interpret. :)

I found the flag wierd because it was a joke. I added the part about the social contract was notarized in triplicate specially to make it clear it was a joke. The post also started with a joke about signing the contract so i thought it was on topic