"No rulers" that is it. Sure it has been propagandized to death including the "punk" era when we were soooooo close as a people (at least in America) to push aside socialism to jump head first into anarchy. However due to recent events it has become very, very apparent that as a whole America has to fail after capitalism as socialist (sounds very scary doesn't it?!?!). Can we survive X numbers of years as socialists? UGH shutter.....the feeling I get is not so tingly at least not thinking of morally responsible citizens not trying to trample each other just to survive and get by. But wait no, no, I need that welfare YO!!! Errrrrr.....communists unite?!!? (extreme sarcasm at the end...)
In all seriousness I recently asked my dad if he thought if humans could survive without a form of currency. If man was ready to be morally responsible. It was a simple "NO". Who would pay the teachers, cops, firefighters he says. "sigh" was my reply. Seems some of us just cannot see past the "system" it seems. Knowing this how can we ever move forward? If all we ever do is look back?