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RE: We Don't Need Taxes Where We Are Going

in #anarchism8 years ago

Actually, here's a serious question: where did you get the idea that roads came before taxes? It seems to me that roads (I mean real roads, the kind that need construction and capital) historically only show up when you have organized civilizations, and I can't think of a civilization that didn't have some form of taxes.


There is a walmart over there. There is your house right there. Both of you will stand there shaking your heads and no trade will ever take place.
That may have been a logical conclusion during the times of witch hunting and slave trade where empires burnt to the ground at the hands of barbarians.

All old roads were trails made by animal and human migration in origin. Militaries later upgraded the roads to better transport troops. This was long before transportation was fast and efficient where someone could hop on a plane and be anywhere in a day. As technology continues to advance the old systems of road management should as well. If you seriously think I would not fix the road leading to my business so customers can easily travel there while my competitor does, you mistake the power of the market. As important as a store's roof is the parking and throughway available to accommodate traffic. Do you really think that freight trucking would not ensure safe and easy access to distribute goods? Plus you seem to be avoiding at talking about the fact that the current designs for roads made from tar can be effectively replaced by roads made from self repairing concrete. This would also reduce the cost of bridges. Concrete lasts 100 times longer to wear against those systems and structurally it will hold up much longer with this self repairing concrete technology. So instead of there being a trillion dollar issue in the USA at the moment it could be effectively paid for in a few billion dollars. Far more can be spent on new roads than repairing the old. I am not for ending roads... I am for looking at how roads are built and bringing us into the 21st century and out of the 18th century. Besides... every wonder why a Model T can drive through anything and current automobiles hit one pothole and need thousands in repairs? Im sure it has nothing to do with the taxpayer bailing out failed business models...

You didn't answer my question. At all.

You really didn't even pretend to answer my question.

You just started in on a self-inconsistent rant.

This is why I don't argue with anarchists.