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RE: Taxation is to trade as gang rape is to consensual sex.

in #anarchism8 years ago

I guess I should apologize for make such normative statements, I am honestly giving my opinion on the matter that's all.

'We' is meant to refer to humanity at large, not addressing any particular government. Any reference to the benefits of paying taxes is also meant to refer to the benefits of paying taxes in well managed societies where the citizens reap benefits of the taxes, perhaps examples such as Denmark, or Sweden.

The benefits received aren't meant to constitute individual wants but instead a society's needs.

I do not have any evidence of my claims, so I am stuck there. But if you ever find a society where the members are altruistic enough to spend resources for the benefit of everyone, count me in.

Also I am not from wherever you are in the world so I am not trying to say you're wrong and taxes are benefiting you, I was just presenting a counter argument stating taxes can be beneficial.


People are not altruistic enough so we need government... made up of people.
You should check your logic there.

You don't pay taxes. They take taxes whether you consent or not. Taking something without the consent of the owner can be called many things. If it's property that is taken you call it theft, if it's sexual you call it rape, etc. Obviously consent is a very important aspect of human relationships. A civilized society would not have, at it's core, principals that violate consent.