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RE: On Anarchist Social Democracy: Taxation, Welfare, and Anarchy

in #anarchism7 years ago (edited)

For what it's worth I'll offer up my two cents to the anarchistwolf in point form.
-anarcho-capitalism has never existed and it's reasonable to assume it never will. Capitalism arose well after nation-states and are firmly embedded within it. There has been no capitalism without the state anywhere at anytime as far as I can tell. It's kind of like Santa, a nice idea that doesn't exist. Why not deal with reality?
-capitalist economics is an extension of lowly evolved reptilian limbic system processes. It's an economic model premised on unthinking and low conscious mechanisms as that is how evolution came about. Factually, IMO., there is no reason or logic involved in the model-it's near solely Darwinian.
-the whole economic model of capitalism today is premised on forced coercion usually at the threat of violence or demonetization and usually comes with unnecessary exploitation. Today's model is by definition fascist although a somewhat kinder and gentler one compared to mid-century.

-capitalism's main mode of operation has been colonization and usually with a good dose of genocide and slavery thrown in. It should be noted that this mode of operation seems to be reaching its limits on this planet.

-capitalism is the creation of the elites, for the elites, and by the elites and IMO, they were smart enough to plan a 100-year psyop called communism, the flip side of the coin. I'm no fan of Marx.

--animals don't really have to work that hard to meet their needs in the wild as the energy in and outs are minimal. comparing what animals need to the present slave system is a gross misrepresentation.

  • from a religious point of view, work is a fallen condition (as is evolution), and it's archonic slavemasters who espouse the work ethic, IMO.

-if we talk capitalism we need to talk about all the way the casino owners have stacked the deck in their favor and created billions of dollars worth of unmerited wealth. This is theft of the Commons, IMO. Let's talk about unmerited wealth via scams like controlling the money supply, cronyism, nepotism, and a thousand other ways the elites serve themselves under the current corporate plutocracy.
-Capitalism breaks the two foundational requirements of the only spiritual rule that matters: The Golden Rule based on noncoercion and to not unnecessarily exploit.

Okay, I could go on and on but gumption boy will sign off!