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RE: Steemhouse Publishing Has a Representative at Anarchapulco

in #anarchapulco6 years ago

This is great news. My experience with Steemhouse Publishing back in 2017 was that I found the organization to be highly centralized and authoritarian. Is there now a more decentralized structure? Is Steemhouse pushing ancap or anarchist ideals in some way?


Geke, the problem was that you were just clueless about things from every angle. You never understood the "structure" in the first place. If being "centralized" means that we refused to let some nitwit alcoholic team up with a jealous wannbe "queenie" and mutiny against the team leadership, then yeah. I guess we're pretty damn centralized.

You want to come on this post and start FUD? You can. "Decentralized," right? But be prepared for the other side of the story to get told, unvarnished and in your face. When you and the rest of that bunch campaigned to have GMuxx and me removed as admins from The Writers' Block, you failed miserably. But you had your own ideas about how to run a Discord, and the anthology bullshit. Well, we see how that turned out, don't we? Good thing you morons didn't succeed with your plan to have TWB admin removed. Otherwise there would be no Steemhouse, no novel, no rep at Anarchapulco, and no post telling everyone how we succeeded in spite of what you all tried to do to stop us.

Centralized is pretty easy to define. If you're confused on that one, I'd suggest looking it up. Can you describe how anything done at the WB promotes decentralization or anarcho-capitalism? The fact that the majority of your editors and admins (or whatever you ended up calling the various levels of your centralized hierarchy) have left the WB in protest says more about you than anything I could ever hope to achieve with my limited writing skills.

First of all, Steemhouse Publishing is a real-world business. Not fantasy football. Real-world businesses are required to have a legal structure that includes board members and CEOs and things of the like. If you're confused on that one, I'd suggest looking it up. You want to bitch about how anarcho-capitalism and incorporation of a legal entity don't mesh? Be my guest. It just makes you look uneducated and dense. It also makes you look a bit like a centralist tyrant to suggest our representatives have no business attending this conference. Our people are free to do as they choose, with the exception of a hostile overthrow of our corporation. And as far as the people leaving? Good riddance. We now have the right team in place to make this happen, without drama and bullshit like you try to start. Life has been so much better since the purge.

Did I "suggest" your representatives have no business attending the conference? I asked a simple question, for which you don't seem to have an answer. Did I try to start drama? I think my initial reaction was that it would be great if WB was embracing decentralization. Your reaction contained much more drama than my initial comment. On the contrary, I wish WB (the group) luck and hope that some of the ideas at Anarchapulco rub off and take hold! 😊 (I think if they did you would have fewer "purges." Just sayin.)

I do believe that was the subtext of your comment, yes. Because after all this time of you being silent, you pick this post to complain about us on. As far as "embracing decentralization" --- oh, you mean the way the first group who left embraced it? Like I said, we see how that worked out. So actually, I think we have the right balance at Steemhouse. We're the only ones actually making good on our promises to people and producing the results we said we'd produce. So maybe our ideas about "decentralization" fit even better with those being taught at Anarchapulco than yours. Just sayin.

I pulled out of the Isle's anthology plans because of the volatile behavior of Inna, not because of a failure to structure the organization properly. And my guess is that you have no idea what's being taught at Anarchapulco. But again, if WB moves farther in that direction, I'm all for it! (This is not a complaint; it's a compliment.)

Like I said, we see exactly how the first group's idea of "decentralization" worked out. Not too well, from the looks of it. So I'd be careful with the lectures and insinuations if I were you. Proof is in the results.