Yo man, this video made me so happy. You coming to Anarchapulco is amazing and it made me think that I want to join you in your efforts to bring more Steemians over there. I am organizing a party for February 14th (the day before the first event) and invite Steemians and friends I met last year.
Everyone who is coming should plan for 1-3 days more before and after the event. Because there is so much happening around Anarchapulco that you don't want to miss. But I don't have any specifics yet.
@flauwy!!! I’ll be there! Havnt booked flights yet, but I think I’ll be there a day early.
Do you mean SteemFest or Anarchapulco?
I’m going to both. ✌🏻
So good! I am sure SteemFest will be interesting. So much going on there. But Anarchapulco will be out of this world. You have to come to out Steem party there. I don't know where, worst case scenario in the hotel everywhere. It will be all exclusively for Anarchapulco guests!
Yes, for sure!! Keep me in the loop on where/when the Steem party is happening! I wouldn't miss it!
Oh and will you do an Ayahuasca ceremony there? I am probably doing all of them. :P
Ooh I havn't even thought about that yet. I've never done anything like that - so it might be too intense for a newbie. My boyfriend is going and I know he has been wanting to do Ayahuasca. I'll have to think about it. I do want to try it someday though. :)
Yeah I am so excited for Anarcapulco! It is going to be insane!
You need to feel the call to do it. It is an amazing experience. I have done it five times and I feel most comfortable with it. But it is a very strong medicine.