John Doe's, Liberty's Price, and Anarchapulco - What I've Been Doing

in #anarchapulco7 years ago (edited)


I haven't posted in months. The drama on here and all the whining about how to "better" distribute rewards has crushed my desire to author original content. No, I have not stopped driving forward, and I continue to improve myself and my skills. I've also stayed engaged in responses to other quality authored content thanks to GINAbot.

During my absence I have met and connected to countless friends. They are people who are seeking to further the same life long cause as me. That cause is individual liberty. As I have stated in recent hangouts with @insanityisfree, all that matters to me is that a person is genuinely seeking to further individual liberty. If you are, we are friends!

A lot has happened during my absence. I am almost ready to sit for the ASIS exam for PSP (Physical Security Professional). My PI business is up and running, and I'm working to finalize the webpage in the near future too. It will not be complicated but will serve its purpose as a simple portal for contact and forms.

In addition to to those objectives, I continue to work on my missing person's skills. Recently a task to find a John Doe, who is guilty of attempted murder, has been consuming most of my energy. I cannot tell you more details about the case because the people supporting him are capable of extreme violence. If I find him, a price will be put on my head.

All of our actions have consequences. As I have often written and said in the past too, "Liberty is worth any price." I will gladly pay to fight predators and forces against individual liberty. Collectivism in any form is my enemy. Racism in any form is also my enemy.

I have no patience for the weak who use ethnic background as an excuse to rule others either. If you are such a person, please do us both a favor and unfollow me. The only line of division I have is between rulers and those who seek rulers and those of us against them. Speaking of that line, I am attending Anarchapulco 2019.

How many of my friends will be there?! If you are going, please let me know. I would love to meet up with as many of you as possible while I'm there. We can discuss what has become my life long question: How do we coexist with a majority that wants to be ruled and seeks to have us submit?


finnian steemit.gif


"How do we coexist with a majority that wants to be ruled and seeks to have us submit?"

Might have to write a post on that.

Or a book.

Or 3.

LOL, I wish it were a simple question to answer! The more I grow and understand, the more I believe it will take us liberty lovers walking away and forming our own society. We cannot coexist with them. Our best option then is to strike out on our own either to new lands, leased lands, or other planets perhaps. :)

All I care is that I die defending individual liberty and I do it surrounded by those doing the same (my friends). If that happens, I'll die with a smile on my face. I will not submit, and I would rather die beside my friends than beneath tyrants!

Hello finnian,

Like old Patrick Henry said, I gotta be free or dead.

I'm 59 years old and it seems I've always had an advanced grasp of my own mortality. I can remember as a child of ten years age speaking out against the Vietnam War. My perception(s) then and now are likely an accrual accounting of suffering seamlessly inflicted since birth. Consequently, I can't speak to the transformation capacity of others. I'm inclined to pity those who have never suffered. Nothing I've endured has ever made me weaker. I am blessed by an absence of fear and a love for truth that sustains me.

My experience in human life-form has been a conscious struggle for survival under the foot of psychopaths commencing with parental and societal constructs. There was no differentiation from any point in youth to present day and I sense common ground with your seeming indictment of a "majority" that are committed to defending their comfort zone of suffering. It is true that the majority has the inertia of a deer in the headlights, and is openly hostile to anyone such as yourself that doesn't embrace the "chickenshit conformity" of collective egoism. But what exists in "society" that programs anything conducive to enlightenment?

I know that suffering is caustic to ego and that pain levels are rising; enlightenment will arise when the collective ego (story) thrashes in its final confrontations. An empty belly has a way of returning the noble brute to consciousness. It's not that the "majority" is unlearned so much as it has forgotten the original state. That state before they were pulled aside and taught that it wasn't enough to just be, but that they must be some"thing" (story).

As yet their suffering under collective ego (story) is constant but exposure to your message of real freedom carries with it the truth that individual accountability is the price for that freedom. They prefer what they know, not what they have forgotten. They must be made to remember. Conditions will arise where by default they will have to live deliberately or perish. I have come to perceive, that no campaign of product, price, place and promotion will "sell" freedom to the herd. They will only reach for it as last resort. My life experience of suffering has not afforded me an understanding of how they arrived at such a dysfunctional state. I know that enlightenment can not be withheld or given away, it can only be accepted from within. They have the choice to awaken in the present moment, and so far they reject it.

The bottom line is, you are correct in recognizing that as an individual you must invoke reason to calculate opportunity costs for interacting with those who not only reject freedom but collectively initiate aggression against you. Distance is rational, misanthropy is rational, and I think it is of primary importance to remind ourselves and others that there is no separateness. When the collective stories have collapsed, and materialism dissipates into hunger, those of us who have established voluntary relationships will be highly visible. What will become of us then?

I think in these strange days it is essential that voluntaryists act expediently and efficiently to exercise our virtue of selfishness lest we fall short of establishing enough network/resources to help anyone but ourselves. Time is not on our side. I myself am intent to become a naturalized citizen of the Lawful Hawaiian Government and renounce my US citizenship. It confronts me less that my future obstacles are characterized by aggression initiated by the unlawful US government. Like old Patrick Henry said, I gotta be free or dead. I will never submit to tyranny.

Thank you for sharing your insights. I believe you have identified a great deal of common ground. Enjoy Anarchapulco 2019.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

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YES!!!!!! Me too, I'm attending Anarchapulco 2019 to meet amazing people !!!

I have everything done for my wife and I to go other than the hotel room, and it bothers me that they are not sure yet how it is going to work. I want to make sure we get a room in the Princess hotel, but supposedly only the first 1000 ticket buyers get them. How do we know our ticket purchase number though? We don't. It smells a little fishy to me...

I haven’t bought the ticket yet and I’ll be buying soon.

Don’t worry and your princess hotel rook will be yours :)


You need a passport for anarchapulco, right? Never been outside the US, so idk about international travel. Voice & Exit is probably gonna be as far as I can go. It's in my mind to try and go next year.

Yes, sadly you do need one. I have them for my family and keep them active just in case we need them to leave. One of these days I hope to get second passports, but that is definitely a difficult and expensive task.

I have been looking into finding a way to get there as well. Maybe we could link up next year to make it happen.

I'm not super interested in a passport, but I'm down af for a road trip. Bet there's some awesome Airbnb places down on Lake Travis.Me or @finnian?

Yeah, getting there is the hard part. I think once there housing wouldn't be difficult. People could pool some money together and go in an RV even. That solves the room and board issue once there also! I would love to drive down, but it would take twice the time off from work. My wife won't do it either. ;-)

I was talking about you Nate but the more merrier!

For @burntoblog and I it's just a five or six hour road trip to Austin for V&E. Would really be a super fun trip actually.

So awesome! Looking forward to meeting you in Mexico!

Yes, that's the main reason I hated missing last year's event. The speakers are great, but the main reason I want to go is to meet other Steemians who are in the same fight for individual liberty!

"Liberty is worth any price." So many believe or at least act like they believe otherwise. The sad fact is that we as humans can be so short-sighted that we would give up essential liberties in exchange for one thing or another, in the end realizing, often too late, that freedom is what protects all other facets of our lives. A very well written post. Hope we get an opportunity to meet at #anarchapulco one day. #carryon

Thanks and very true! Most people are not willing to pay even a small price let alone a high one. Are you going to Anarchapulco 2019?

Trying to find a way!

Glad to see you back.
I was reviewing my answer to GINAbot listing your mention in my first (and only atm) post and asked myself Why I don’t get updates from his blog? then I find this and I get my answer.

I hope you are fine and I will love to read about Anarchapulco topic. Idk what is it but I trust on you due I feel you are direct and honest person... so it must to worth the read.

Thanks and you'll love GINAbot. It really helps with the engagement problem on steemit. Without it, finding the right people to engage with is very difficult and time consuming. With it, it is easy. :)

I’ve too many open frontlines but I will keep it in my todo list!
I’m enrolling some friends and they ask me about howto so it keeps me encouraged to continue learning... but sometimes my brain burns :lol:
So we have decided to work as group and share findings ;)



I had noticed that I hadn't been seeing you around as much as in the past. I wish you well with catching your guy, and that you can stay safe in the process.
Trying to get people to understand just what is liberty is and why it is so very important is a tough task since the education system is meant to dumb down the people not educate them. When they took teaching civics out of the schools and replaced it with American government that pretty much did away with anyone learning about liberty from that point on in the schools.
We continue on though and try and inform, but that is pretty much an uphill battle, but someone has to do it. keep up the fight.