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RE: AMFEIX - The First Blockchain Fund Built On Smart Contracts

in #amfeix6 years ago (edited)

They have pdf's with reports on their site.

In May 2019 AMFEIX fund generated a total return of 13.733% (after fees), during the same
period, the Standard and Poors 500 index (S&P 500) generated a negative return of 6.57%
therefore the difference between both investments is of about 20.31%. The fund outperformed
S&P500 by a difference of 20.30%, overall AMFEIX fund achived a total return in USD of 64.23%.

Currency Net changeMay 2019
Bitcoin (BTC)13.733%
USD ($)63.529%

*USD net returns are given by the following function: [USD ($) = Fund net return + BTC net price change]

So, those fantastic returns are because of BTC price change and not because they are great traders.


Thanks, but this is not enough.
13.7% in one month, okay, but what about the last year in BTC bearmarket.
I would also like to know how they are regulated (if they are), if they do margin trading, on which platform do they trade, any algo trading involved and of course the people behind this etc.

I had Bit coin connect wallet last do I transfer my funds to a different coin?. I'm a sports card collector / blogger I like talking about sports cards