Why BLM (Black Lives Matter) is a Terrorist Group with screwed up ideals and should be eliminated immediately!

in #american8 years ago (edited)

First let me say that I almost never speak out about hot-button topics like this one. But with all the protests and cop killings going on I feel like someone needs to fucking say something about this shit. Secondly, yes I am pissed the hell off that the world (and America) has lost their damn minds and I hope this article sets a few people straight as to the FACTS.

Their Motives (Ideals):

Black Lives Matter, as a group, claim they are being discriminated against by White people and that they have been for hundreds of years. They claim that they are racially profiled by cops and that they are just hard working, honest people who are getting singled out and abused (often with deadly results) by law enforcement. They claim that they are OWED for the racism they have endured as a race. They claim they can police themselves better than the actual police.

The Facts:

  • There where only approximately 450,000 African Slaves to ever reach the United States of America. 
  • The African Slaves that did reach the USA where very expensive (about $50 each) and thus were treated very very well.
  • The Civil War was not about Slavery (until Lincoln feared loosing the war and made it about slavery) it was about States Rights to Govern themselves.
  • The vast majority of African Slaves during the Civil War fought for the Confederacy (South) freely and willingly.
  • There was never any Americans (or New World Colonists) involved in going to Africa and taking people as slaves by force or otherwise.
  • 100% of the African Slaves that made it to the USA where brought here by Portuguese traders.
  • 100% of the African Slaves that made it to the USA were sold into slavery by Blacks (Muslims) and the vast majority of them where non-Muslim (mostly Christian).
  • The first Legal Slave Owner in the United States was named Anthony Johnson. He was sold into slavery from his native country Angola and brought to Colonial Virginia. In the early 1700's he gained his freedom and became a Plantation/Slave owner who owned WHITE SLAVES.
  • There were over 1 million Irish Slaves that reached the United States, they typically only cost around $5 and thus were considered disposable and treated like hell. Many of them were beaten to death for little to no reason.
  • There were over 1 million Asians (mostly Chinese) who technically were not slaves (they got paid approximately $1 a day) who built the railroads. Because they were such cheap labor they were treated worse than slaves (Irish or African) and most of them died on the railroads.
  • Native Americans (especially the Eastern Tribes) were slaughtered or enslaved whenever someone felt the need.

The Statistics:

  • 6.5 million Whites are arrested each year for various (non traffic ticket related) crimes (source)
  • 2.6 million Blacks are arrested each year for various (non traffic ticket related) crimes (source)
  • Murders by Race (2015) ![#1]()
  • Murders by Race (2014) ![#2]()
  • Police Killings in US by Race (2015)![#3]()

The Truth:

I am of German, French, Irish and Cherokee Indian descent. Which means my ancestors slaves who where treated far worse than the majority of Blacks ancestors were. Do I hold that against anyone? NO! Do I go around crying that I AM OWED something? NO! Do I get arrested repeatedly for numerous crimes and then act surprised when I get a longer jail sentence? NO!

It is time for the Black community to GROW THE FUCK UP, realize that the only people KEEPING YOU DOWN is YOURSELVES and start working to better yourselves, your country and the world in which you live.


If you're going to drop historical "facts", please back them up by citing your sources. Also your murder rate images don't prove anything, and the sideways glock wielding bandito man doesn't help anything, but heaps on a load of bias. Where's the data?

Black Lives Matter isn't a group in the sense that you make it out to be. It's not organized. Rather, it's a loosely coordinated resistance movement more similar to Occupy; it's a hashtag. It's an outburst that is the result of a failure to prevent police brutality. Where's the police accountability and reform?

Doing some napkin math:

  • ~200.9 MM whites in the U.S. (63% of the U.S. population based on race demographics)
    • 6.5 MM / 200.9 MM = 3.2% of whites incarcerated per year
  • ~39.2 MM blacks in the U.S. (12.3% of U.S. population based on race demographics)
    • 2.6 MM / 39.2 MM = 6.6% of blacks incarcerated per year

So the rate of incarceration for black people is doubled. This is probably why countries like The Bahamas are issuing travel advisories to their citizens urging young males "to exercise extreme caution in affected cities in their interactions with the police."

What black communities are owed in this country are opportunity. Black communities have been systematically deprived of the same opportunity as white communities. Please read this post for more context.

Nobody never wants to talk about police accountability/reform. Are all police bad no are all white ppl racist no. However we all see the ongoing problem around world. OAN: The government is a corrupted system to prey on the weak and for those who don't know " the real laws" of the universe. For ppl that believe BLM is a terrorist group,you're thinking to much outside the box. Nobody said no other nationality doesn't matter. Black lives matter just like anybody else however who do you see murdered on a consistent basis monthly weekly throughout the year back to back? African Americans. You didn't hear all lives matter until BLM came about. All lives matter is common sense. I don't agree with murder on any race at all, same race or not. That's foolish. This topic can go on for days.
However any rapist or child molester deserves any and everything that's coming to them!!

robrigo, are you absolutly out of your mind? The president, of the most powerful nation IN THE WORLD, EVER. Is black. The president, of the USA. And you talk blacks being denied opportunity?
I'd encourage you to read up on IQ, it's relevance to crime and prosperity, and how IQ differs across race/ethnicity.

He's actually mixed race, black Kenyan father, white American mother.


Bro you right. I'm black latino and I'm about to drop some crazy knowledge next week on this topic(probably monday). we as a culture have a lot of internal problems and they need to be addressed. Another interesting statistic is how black/latino cops are twice more likely to shoot or use violence against black/latino individual.

I actually think the issues with cops and violence are likely not race specific. I believe there are other factors it just so happens Blacks are more likely to live in places where those factors exist. Neighborhoods that cops perceive as dangerous. They have meetings warn each other to be careful and then they go out on patrol and are jumpy and paranoid. Black on black violence in some of those neighborhoods doesn't help. However, I do not think it has to do with RACE but purely the violence OR perhaps hyped up violence in those areas that make people more paranoid. That would explain why black and latino cops have the statistics you are referring to.

If black people are posting to other black people to kill white people and kill cops that is going to accelerate the problem as it is likely to make the cops who may be slightly paranoid in some conditions even more paranoid. It also makes ordinary white citizens who were not paranoid at all suddenly concerned. Pointing out and emphasizing race FUELS the fire, it doesn't put it out.

They don't like it when you tell them All Lives Matter. Racism will always exist as long as people emphasize race.

I tell people you can have equality, or you can have special treatment, but you cannot have both.

I tell everyone "I can't be racist, I hate everyone....until the give me a reason to like them!".

I'm similar but opposite. I like everyone until they give me a reason not to. :P

Facts: Over half of their claims are correct. Also so-called-Blacks were in America way before so-called-Whites, and Native Americans. They were called Moors, Muurs, and Black-a-Moor. And that number you quoted: over 400,000 Africians came on slave ships; Thats not true either, it was more like 20,000 that made it here alive. They didn't need Africian slaves, when the land is already full of so-called-Blacks. They just enslaved the Moors that were already here, killed the leaders, and strong men. Taught their descendants that they were from Africa, and passed this lie till this day.