I agree that National Socialist killings were generally terrible, I believe it was Himmler who ordered killings and tried to cover it up from Hitler.
Labor camps were necessary for trouble making communists and some others.
However it is generally easy to say that National Socialism solved many of Germany's problems and really helped it get its spirit back.
Even if those young men don't rape, they are enough of a problem by just being in Europe, where they will get into trouble, not integrate well/if ever, and attempt to spread their religion/even worse join a Wahabbi group (of which there are many in Europe).
Furthermore they depend on hand outs and do bring a rise in the crime and rape rate in Europe; additionally some of these men do end up converting some of our women to islam and having confused half-breed children, we don't need any of this and it's the fault of zionist threats and lobbies that create and enforce this crisis.