Hello Steemians, I am @anggreklestari and I want to be A Steem Ambassador for the project of #promo-steem

About Me and Steemit
Introduce myself on SteemitI am @anggreklestari a writer, copy writer, and a social media consultant. I am living in Jakarta, a capital city of Indonesia. I am very lucky to get information about Steemit from my friend @apilopoly and this is my . My room mate is @viviehardika. She told me about the amazing Steemit. Since then I always try to learn much more about Steemit from my friends who have been in this platform. Some of them inspired me so much. And through Steemit I knew Indonesian Curators; @levycore and @aiqabrago, @ocd curators; @mariska.lubis and @machiatta, Gaming Curator @jodypamungkas, Steemians from Jakarta; @andrianhabibi, @beladro, @batuejourney, @musismail, @willyana, @bennpoelem, @blogiwank, @jkfarza, etc. Senior Steemians; @razack-pulo, @ayijufridar, @dokter-purnama, @bahagia-arbi, @ezhadolphin, @kemal13, etc.
For me, it's always quite interesting to have a quick glimpse of who and what they are. I could say that Steemit has changed my life. I love sharing my knowledge on writing for all of my friends. They supported me to be a good steemian.

Why do I apply as a Steem Ambassador?
Now I am applying to be a Steem Ambassador. I think I must to take this biggest opportunity to help people in Jakarta to know about Steemit and Steem. Jakarta is the biggest city in Indonesia with so many potential human resources. There must be so many big companies with thousands investors. This is the rule of Steem Ambassador to promote steem for them. Jakarta need more and more Steem Ambassador and I totally understand that we must to work very hard to find an investor from Indonesia in Steemit. I think I can work together with Indonesian Steemians in Jakarta to find much more steemian that could be the investors in Steemit.
These are my reasons to be an Indonesian Steem Ambassador in Jakarta;
- Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and there are so many people come to this city every day. We have to do something important related to steem promotion.
- I am a writer, a copy writer, and a media consultant. I worked closely to many national media workers in Jakarta. They are writers and journalists that will be the agent of change in Steemit. I must be able to promote steem for them.
- Jakarta is the city of investors. There have been so many big companies and we can find some investors if we want to word hard for it.
- Most of the Steemians in Jakarta are the writers and journalist. We can support them to be the promoters and we will have so many new steemians and could be some new investors for steeemit.
- I can organize some promotional event on Steemit and Steem with my friends in Jakarta to inform other people about steemit.

My Serial Contents in Steemit; Lancar Berselancar
#LancarBerselancar; In this serial I am talking about how to make a content in Steemit and how to make our blog looks interesting for our viewers. That is a part of #promo-steem as well. Until now I have made 9 contents and it will be more and more series about it.
Please Read Another Part About The Series #LancarBerselancar:

I made a contents about poetry; #SajakMendadak
Sajak Mendadak; This serial is about the poems and I make a poem every day to make me happier in blogging in this platform.

I made a contents about poem; #narasilestrari
Narasi Lestari; This serial is about the poems as well but it is longer to #sajakmendadak. This could be a fiction to inform steemians that we can make any positive contents in Steemit.
- Here are some contents of #narasilestari
#NarasiLestari 1: Definisi Malam Kesukaan Bagi Bidadari
#NarasiLestari 2: In Your Eyes You're Holding Mine
#NarasiLestari 3: The Best Art Is Your Heart
#NarasiLestari 4: You Are More Beautiful Than The Dusk
#NarasiLestari 5: Take Me Home
#NarasiLestari 6: Manisnya di Akhir
#Narasi Lestari 7: Aku Ingin Memastikan Tak Ada Kelam, Saat Kamu Terpejam
#NarasiLestari 8: Insomnia Cinta
#NarasiLestari 9: The Glory Came To Change The Agony / Keindahan Datang Menggantikan Kesakitan

I made a contents about motivation; #lifequotes
Life Quotes; This serial is about the motivation. I am trying to motivate my friends in Steemit through some quotes on life.
#LifeQuotes 1: Walk Up And Never Give Up
#LifeQuotes 2: The Real Definition Of Loneliness
#LifeQuotes 3: Travelling Make Us Richer
#LifeQuotes 4: Spend Your Time On The Things Money Can’t Buy
#LifeQuotes 5: There Is No Beauty Without Happiness
#LifeQuotes 6: Life Is Like A Camera
#Lifequotes 7: Be A Warrior Not A Worrier
#LifeQuotes 8: Empty Soul Without Books Like Soul Without Love
#LifeQuotes 9: Accepting Yourself Is The Easiest Way To Understanding Your Life / Menerima Dirimu adalah Cara Termudah Memahami Hidupmu

I made some contents about #promo-steem and some of them has been curated by @steem-ambassador. You can look at my contests I organized
I did the contents on promo steem tag about steem. I informed my friends how we can be a good steemian by promoting steem/it.
- Here are some contents of #promo-steem and contests
1). Cuma Bisa Ngopi Tapi Bisa Berinvestasi
2).Perjalanan 31 Hari Mengenal Steemit: Angka 47 Hasil dari Peran Komunitas dan Kerja Keras!
3). Satu Malam Hangatnya Promo Steem Bersama KSI Chapter Jakarta Bersama @dokter-purnama
4).Kita Harus Bahagia di Steemit! Memangnya Tidak Letih Terlalu Banyak Drama?
5).Kontes #bahagiaitusederhana1: Langkah Awal Bersama Steemit
6).Kita Bisa Bahagia Bersama Steemit Pengumuman Kontes #bahagiaitusederhana1
8).Announcing The Winners of The Contest: Happiness Is Simple #2
9).The Other Side of Meetup 1st Steemit KSI Chapter Jakarta (Bilingual Article About My Community)

Future Plans as a Steem Ambassador
- I will promote steemit and steem for more people in Jakarta
- I am going to meet some of Media Investors I know to inform them about steemit and asking for them to register in Steemit.
- I will work closely with other steem ambassadors in Indonesia to curate more contents about #promo-steem
- I am going to participate in all steemit gathering in Jakarta
- I will compose some project on steem promotion with Indonesian Steemians in Jakarta
- I will promote steemit for my friends in Jakarta and asking for them to buy steem powers.
- As a media consultant, I will inform my clients about steem and trying to attract them to be investors.
- I will follow the rules of #promo-steem project

Special thanks for Indonesian Curators @levycore and @aiqabrago, @ocd curators; @mariska.lubis, and @machiatta, and Gaming Curator @jodipamungkas as well who always give their full support for me to become a good steemit and getting more understanding on stem blockchain ecosystem.
I always want to promote steemit and steem in Jakarta and all other places in Indonesia
Jakarta, Mei 11th, 2018.

My Patner In #promo-steem: @bahagia-arbi
The Previous Part About #LifeQuotes
#LifeQuotes 1: Walk Up And Never Give Up
#LifeQuotes 2: The Real Definition Of Loneliness
#LifeQuotes 3: Travelling Make Us Richer
#LifeQuotes 4: Spend Your Time On The Things Money Can’t Buy
#LifeQuotes 5: There Is No Beauty Without Happiness
#LifeQuotes 6: Life Is Like A Camera
#Lifequotes 7: Be A Warrior Not A Worrier
#LifeQuotes 8: Empty Soul Without Books Like Soul Without Love
#LifeQuotes 9: Accepting Yourself Is The Easiest Way To Understanding Your Life / Menerima Dirimu adalah Cara Termudah Memahami Hidupmu

I made some contents about #promo-steem and some of them has been curated by @steem-ambassador. You can look at my contests I organized
I did the contents on promo steem tag about steem. I informed my friends how we can be a good steemian by promoting steem/it.
- Here are some contents of #promo-steem and contests
1). Cuma Bisa Ngopi Tapi Bisa Berinvestasi
2).Perjalanan 31 Hari Mengenal Steemit: Angka 47 Hasil dari Peran Komunitas dan Kerja Keras!
3). Satu Malam Hangatnya Promo Steem Bersama KSI Chapter Jakarta Bersama @dokter-purnama
4).Kita Harus Bahagia di Steemit! Memangnya Tidak Letih Terlalu Banyak Drama?
5).Kontes #bahagiaitusederhana1: Langkah Awal Bersama Steemit
6).Kita Bisa Bahagia Bersama Steemit Pengumuman Kontes #bahagiaitusederhana1
8).Announcing The Winners of The Contest: Happiness Is Simple #2
9).The Other Side of Meetup 1st Steemit KSI Chapter Jakarta (Bilingual Article About My Community)

Future Plans as a Steem Ambassador
- I will promote steemit and steem for more people in Jakarta
- I am going to meet some of Media Investors I know to inform them about steemit and asking for them to register in Steemit.
- I will work closely with other steem ambassadors in Indonesia to curate more contents about #promo-steem
- I am going to participate in all steemit gathering in Jakarta
- I will compose some project on steem promotion with Indonesian Steemians in Jakarta
- I will promote steemit for my friends in Jakarta and asking for them to buy steem powers.
- As a media consultant, I will inform my clients about steem and trying to attract them to be investors.
- I will follow the rules of #promo-steem project

Special thanks for Indonesian Curators @levycore and @aiqabrago, @ocd curators; @mariska.lubis, and @machiatta, and Gaming Curator @jodipamungkas as well who always give their full support for me to become a good steemit and getting more understanding on stem blockchain ecosystem.
Jakarta, Mei 11th, 2018.

My Patner In #promo-steem: @bahagia-arbi
The Previous Part About #LifeQuotes

I support your application - you do some fantastic work here on steemit
I am very glad a senior in Steemit like you would support a new steemian like me. thank you for the delegate sp from you that I just received. I'm so glad to know you in Steemit. Thank you very much, @paulag
You deserve to be a Steem Ambassador, and I am sure you will be able to work well in organizing the steemit and steem promotion event in Jakarta. You know how to curate the posts on #promo-steem, and you will bring some investors to indonesian community. Well done @anggreklestari.
Wish you all the best,
I'm happy there is always you support me. I hope I don't disappoint.
I hope you will get the ambassador
Sukses untuk kita bersama
Kita dukung dan selamat berkontribusi
Terima kasih untuk dukungannya @tinmiswary Salam sukses selalu
Kakak pantas menjadi salah satu anggota team ambassador.
Semangat Kak untuk terus menyebar steemit hingga pelosok negeri 😍😍
Hei @nuryriana terima kasih untuk supportmu. Kamu juga selalu semangat, ya
Suksess selalu,. .Sebuah prestasi yang sangat membanggakan untuk neng @anggreklestari saya mendukung anda sepenuh nya untuk menjadi the next #ambassador-indonesia
Semoga saya bisa memberikan yang terbaik. Amiin. Terima kasih support-mu.
Suskes mbak, semoga makin bertambah ambassador dari Indonesia. Semangat
Semoga Steemit Indonesia semakin banyak berkontribusi untuk #promo-steem
selamat berkontribusi neng @anggreklestari saya akan mendukung anda untuk menjadi steem-ambassador. #sukses selalu buat anda.
Salam sukses selalu
sama-sama neg :D
Ini baru calon ambassador cantik dari indonesia lanjutkan tulisannmu yang mantap itu. @anggreklestari salam kreatif. Awesome.and ☺😄😃👌very nice.
Salam kreatif dan sukses selalu
Semoga makin berjaya kk @anggreklestari. Saya sangat mendukung kk untuk menjadi salah satu #steem-ambassador Indonesia.
Salam sukses KSI
Sukses selalu untuk KSI, ya
Semoga aja Steemit semakin baik dan populer ke depannya... ☕Mendukung sepenuhnya, Sis @anggreklestari...
Salam kreatif dan salam sukses...🤗❤
Sukses untuk para Steemian Indonesia
Wah ikut ambassador ya kren abang dukung bgt dan pantas diri mu dek sukses selalu
I always support you, Anggrek. You are the best! 👍
Hello, Thanks for such a great application and all the fantastic work you have been doing to increase awareness about the steem blockchain and its potential applications!
HERE!!! :)We at #promo-steem and @steem-ambassador have reviewed your application to become a Steem Ambassador and we are pleased to say that we would like to propose your candidacy to the community per the Application Approval Process
In order to proceed we would like to know that you are happy to follow the Steem Ambassador Responsibilities and Guidelines outlined HERE & HERE.
Please respond below with your positive response and we will proceed to propose you to the Steemit community as a Steem Ambassador!!
Hi Admin of @steem-ambassador... This is one of the happiest moment of my life, I received your msg and read them. Wow.
Now I am ready to be a steem ambassador. Thank you very much for your response on my application and I am waiting for the public approval.
Regards from Jakarta, Indonesia.