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RE: Bezos Bows To Pressure On $15/hr. Keep Pressuring Him. Keep Pressuring Them All.

in #amazon6 years ago

...We mustn't ease off the revolt against the plutocracy just because the richest man in the world decided to give his workers what only amounts to a living wage in some parts of America.

This IS easing off the plutocracy!

Minimum wage is a tool of the manipulators!! know - the ones you wrote against only a few days ago!

Leftist ideology is corrupt, illogical, and dying. Wake up.
You're ideology is blinding you to your own intelligence...


if you are subsidized by the governments you are part of the manipulators - any transfer of wealth has already begun from the taxpayer.
Minimum wage is a manipulation of an economy - which is just varying degrees leading to socialism /communism.

Anti trust laws are an extension of allowing monopolies in the first place, which is a result of corruption via government and business - it all leads back to the banks either way.
Standard oil for example.
No corruption via regulation = no monopolies.

where left and right is simply a divide and conquer tactic over the same special interests that have controlled Anerican government through out it's relatively brief existence and which still consolidates it's power from the same age old mantra of controlling the money supply to control government,

....I Agree a minimum wage is not manipulation (control), how?

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 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

Central banks control the money supply - and the value of money.

Dress up the propaganda to fool the masses s much as you like, this is a fact.

If you control the money supply and it's value (communism), you control everything else.
You control minimum wage - and how much it's worth - you control social unrest and social success. You control governments and the redistribution of wealth.
You control everything.
'They' give nothing away - ever - they just play a longer game to acquiring more assets.

See the bigger picture, and not the details you are told to look at, and then where to focus all your attentions (wasted energies?) on..

...If you're at a poker table and you don't know who the 'donkey' is, it's probably you...

Oh, on a total side note - did I mention you've been mentioned in dispatches?
You seem to be the only officer who knows what he's doing.. lol

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