Her ideology? You're so lost in the sauce you can't even see that regardless of how many ellipsis you use to insinuate and imply instead of explaining and being forthcoming with reasoning to the flurries of assertive nonsense and accusatory shinola drifting in their wake, she didn't even state her ideology and even though you've clearly not a grain of sand worth of sense to comment on her intelligence, your "prompt" for waking up to the other side of the coin from "leftist" ideology is the entrance to the very insanty of hegelian dialect reaction- problem- solution- that bipartisan politics has morphed from over the last 200 years, where left and right is simply a divide and conquer tactic over the same special interests that have controlled Anerican government through out it's relatively brief existence and which still consolidates it's power from the same age old mantra of controlling the money supply to control government, which need be I can quote the genuins behind the declaration of Independence and his stance on taxes to enjoy the silence that seeks only to leave you asleep and fully confident that you're awake.
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....I Agree
....so a minimum wage is not manipulation (control), how?
Central banks control the money supply - and the value of money.
Dress up the propaganda to fool the masses s much as you like, this is a fact.
If you control the money supply and it's value (communism), you control everything else.
You control minimum wage - and how much it's worth - you control social unrest and social success. You control governments and the redistribution of wealth.
You control everything.
'They' give nothing away - ever - they just play a longer game to acquiring more assets.
See the bigger picture, and not the details you are told to look at, and then where to focus all your attentions (wasted energies?) on..
...If you're at a poker table and you don't know who the 'donkey' is, it's probably you...