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RE: Bezos Bows To Pressure On $15/hr. Keep Pressuring Him. Keep Pressuring Them All.

in #amazon6 years ago

if you are subsidized by the governments you are part of the manipulators - any transfer of wealth has already begun from the taxpayer.

Minimum wage is a manipulation of an economy - which is just varying degrees leading to socialism /communism.

Socialism\communism is the ownership of the means of production by the people, and consequently in America, FIAT is the ownership of currency by "the people", so if you're trying to "omg those commie's" you need only to wonder what exactly FIAT is.

As for minimum wage, as well as anti trust laws, it's indeed a manipulation of the economy, yet you've not explained or demonstrated why and how it inverably leads to socialism. I'll say it again, the manipulators would have no problem with paying people as little as they can, which is exactly what happens when a surplus of labor can bid to work for peanuts, and then having labor laws creates a scarcity of labor, as does "a 40 hour work week" and child labor laws.

Anti trust laws are an extension of allowing monopolies in the first place, which is a result of corruption via government and business - it all leads back to the banks either way.

The point again is that you DON'T HAVE A CHANCE IN HELL AT DEMONSTRATING OR EXPLAINIG why and how that assertion is true or correct, as it applies to your ENTIRE comment which so far is only one assertion, baseless and meaningless, following another, spawned by the flurry of them in your initial comment, and as the saying goes, I needent explain or demostrate anything in the face of baseless assertiveness, I only need to deny or ask how and why that assertion is so, to which the silence will reverberate echoing back the voidnees of reasoning behind them and making the equivocal statement that if you could have fulfilled the onus of proof firstly and you chose not to then you are content with vain talk and care not for substance.

Standard oil for example.

Anti trust laws are there to break up the chokehold one entity has over any one sector of the economy so that the market isn't raped. Thales recognized that 25 centuries earlier and he realized a complete, total monopoly without any law to his benefit, only resources and forethought.

No corruption via regulation = no monopolies

More assertive nonsense.