I thought it was just another photo-shopped image.. until I looked it up. Look at the size of his head compared to a human!
The photo I first saw mentioned a "Liger" and I'm like.."What in the world is THAT?" I learned that a Liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger.
This hybrid creates the biggest cat in the world. Take Hercules here for instance. He stands 4 ft tall at the shoulders, weighs 920 lbs and is 11 feet long!
Here's the first Liger photo I saw and didn't believe it could be real:

You can see why I didn't believe it. That man isn't a short guy either.
The Liger is pretty rare because they aren't the easiest to breed. They don't breed in the wild like this and it's difficult to accomplish because they often die in the womb or in a premature birth.
So even though I enjoy seeing these magnificent animals...it's not natural and they are sterile and can't produce offspring. They're bred just to be an attraction at animal sanctuaries and zoos.
They're awesome but I have mixed feelings about breeding them just for entertainment purposes.

Although, they DO have a wonderful life and are treated like royalty and everyone loves them! Look at the big baby. lol.

By the way, they eat about 7kg or 15 lbs of raw meat each day to stay strong and healthy. They say you don't want to hand feed them but more like throw them the meat from a good distance because they can pounce and jump something like 25 feet!

Oh and one more thing. When they DO have a successful birth...they're impossibly cute!

Here's one more shot of Hercules. I guess he's pretty gentle as long as he's not hungry!

I don't know about y'all but I'm very drawn to these big cats. I know it would be a full time job raising and taking care of them(they'd fit well in Texas where everything is bigger!) but I think I'd volunteer if given the opportunity, what do you guys think?
Thanks for stopping by folks, God bless you all!

Massive isn't he? - Great to see you on Hive (I've stopped looking at Steemit) - and now I can give you proper upvotes with a few cents to fund your cowboy boots and monster trucks. Appreciate all your fascinating posts!
Howdy and thank you sir frot! That is amazing about the lady who was killed by a lion jumping through the window! wow..I love the Texas Toy photo! lol...talk about massive! Everyone around here would have one of those if they could.
Thanks for the kind words!
I have never heard of these, but it would not surprise if there weren't at least one 'em here in Texas somewhere. You always come up with great stories , now excuse me while I show this cat to my girls.
lol..yes if any cats belong in Texas it's these! Thanks sir Sult!
Ah that's how evolution takes place - through cross-breeding. I don't know about you, but no matter how much you assure me how gentle the animal is, I am not going anywhere near it.
Haha! I understand how you feel sir Vincent. It doesn't help that I have read accounts of zoo keepers who have trained and cared for animals for years and suddenly the animal attacks them!
Evolution? No way you believe in that prehistoric theory do you? lol.
Actually, I believe in dependent origination.
Howdy sir Vincent! "dependent origination?" what is that?
Dependent Origination - In simple layman terms is 'Cause and Effect'
Cause and effect..what the? Who caused the effect? lol.
If you have to ask that, you are not ready to know. lol
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. lol
They truly are magnificent - but I always feel the cross breeding and new breeds thing is not always good. But us humans always think we knows best.
I agree anneke! I so admire those big cats but it probably isn't right to cross breed them like that. How are you doing?
Hi Janton - one day at a time. I am not a very emotional person but now I am so it is very tiring at times but I take it as it comes. Some good, some bad, but I guess that is part of the process. How are things on your side. We are in lockdown so now the missing my husband is even worse because the cats do not talk back hahaha. You guys also in lockdown? Jeez I am going to be glad if this thing is over because our country is now going to be an even bigger disaster economically.
Howdy today anneke! you have the right attitude that's for sure. There are so many encouraging and eye-opening teachings from great Pastors online, that's where we have been spending more time to build our faith.
Yes, we are on lockdown but since we live in the country it doesn't really affect us. Mrs. J. works at the county jail so she has to go to work but they temporarily cut the staff numbers' to minimize the chance of anyone getting sick so she is working part time now which is really nice.
Between Hive and Steemit and doing projects and maintenance things around the property like mowing, I got tons to do. She is taking courses to get an insurance adjuster license so this is perfect timing.
I agree, this is the last thing your country needed, more financial stress and disaster! That's a little depressing. I hope the people there do as they're told and stay at home.
Getting people to co-operate seems to be most country's biggest problem. If they don't it turns into Italy.
Stay safe, stay strong and keep in touch!
Glad you are doing well - stay safe and lets pray this damn virus disappears . Well at this stage a lot of our black people believe this is a white man's illness so the police and army is really struggling to keep them contained. And if they do something they cry they are mistreated. If you want to be stupid and get sick that is your choice but now they make others sick that stay indoors and maybe just went out to get a bread..... life can be so unfair sometimes.
Oh no! That is SO ignorant! Oh my gosh. So the only way to be safe would be to totally isolate yourself. Do you guys have grocery delivery service there? Yes, you have to go get food! Wow. My prayer life would go into another gear for sure!
Do you guys have masks? With that kind of attitude you need them whenever you go to a store. We haven't even got any yet.
I do not have a mask but have enough food for the 3 weeks and our shop also delivers - yes we will see now, I guess they will let us out on the 17th and then maybe back if the numbers go up. No idea. Taking it as it comes .
Holy shit that's a big cat!
I think I'm with you, however; if they can't breed in the wild, we shouldn't be doing it just for entertainment purposes. Life is more precious than that. But it sure is adorable!
Howdy sir wwwiebe! I think so too but it sure would be fun to have one! You could go walk your cat every day and freak everyone out!
Wow Cowboy that’s a huge cat. i don’t think I would want to be that close to him.
He could bite your head off very easily. lol. But they're supposed to be fine as long as they are happy and well fed!
They might not bite your head off Cowboy but one claw, even if accidentally could do a lot of damage.😳
lol..that's true. One claw brushing across your neck could slice you open and that would be it! He would think he was just playing!
Hey @janton,
We have released 2.2.5 version, please consider updating to latest version to get best out of Esteem. Also ESTM points only work on 2.2.5. Keep up the good work! 😉
Stay safe and healthy!
Howdy esteemapp! Thanks so much for the information, I will switch today!
That is one beautiful cat i didn't even know they existed thanks for showing these beautiful cats i learned something new today 😊
Howdy bigsambucca! I'm so glad you liked the post and thanks so much for the kind words!
Your welcome stay safe and healthy 👍
Showed @pooky-jax She already knew all about them. I was clueless as usual.....
Very interesting sir krazzytrukker...do you like these guys and would you like to own one?
If you been driving all week then that will make up for some of your absence on here, otherwise there will have to be consequences.
Haaaaa.... The local stuff you would think I have more time. Just the opposite. Cuz I am home. Doing Jonboy like projects, but using modern power tools... LoL
Modern power tools are for wimps sir krazzytrukker. lol. "Just the opposite", that is very interesting. How about the traffic? Around here it's crazy busy, no difference in traffic except maybe it's heavier! I think people are using their time off from work to go places. The last two trips to the store we only saw one person with a mask on.
Yes same here with traffic and masks..... Very strange.
Ah..I just asked how it was there in another comment. Well I think people will learn the hard way. I really like the video I saw today on how to end this very quickly but we know it won't be done. It's at the end of this article, only 11 minutes long.
I agree with the others who say we probably should not be breeding something like this. The fact that they are born sterile pretty much tells me they weren't "meant to be". On the other hand, I guess that would apply to mules too, right? Beautiful animal in any case, but keep that thing locked up I don't want to run into one in the woods!
Oh man, run into one in the woods! THAT would be a great opportunity for marvelous photos! lol.
Howdy @janton
There are cats........and there are CATS! I can't imagine having one of these furry animals sitting on my lap in front of a fire in the middle of winter to keep me warm.
And I'm assuming their purring would interfere with ones favourite TV show whilst enjoying a back rub, should they be permitted into ones living room. (lol)
How have you been? I simply could not stay away from Hive, so I am planning to familiarize myself with the lay of the land and hopefully be in touch more regularly.
Blessings to you and yours. 💐
Howdy Trudee! So good to hear from you! Yes, everyone has high hopes for Hive and I hope it succeeds. Mrs. J. finally took an axe to my steemit/hive experiment so I'm dropping way off, a couple of hours a day.
She thinks after 2 years with nothing to show for it is enough time wasted and I tend to agree. But I will try to stay in touch with as many people as possible.
You guys are doing well? Are the virus numbers going down yet?
Lovely to catch up with you too my friend. I think we need a good balance in our lives and I know I have benefited from the couple of breaks I've taken from blogging.
I love my art too much to get overly involved with other commitments.
Australia is doing really well with the virus etc but we still have to adhere to fairly rigorous restrictions.
I'm so glad you are able to work on your art and sales of that art!
I hope the numbers there go down fast, I keep hearing that the virus does not last long in hot, humid weather so if that is true it should die out pretty fast there!