Now that I know it is possible, I definitely want to give it a try!
For a while now, there has been a strange-looking bar of soap in the bathroom. I often wondered by it looked so strange, but I never really investigated it too much. I also never asked @mama-pepper about it, so until yesterday, it remained a mystery. Now, though, the mystery is solved and an incredible concept has been revealed unto me.
I finally was able to put the pieces of this puzzle together once the bar of soap was almost completely gone. It had always seemed strange and had some weird kind of fiber in it. As it turns out, the bar soap was made with a cross-section of a luffa gourd in the middle. The luffa gourd is a type of vining gourd that dries with a tough fiber on the inside, commonly used for shower scrubs or other lightly abrasive uses.
Now that the rest of the soap has been used up, only this piece of luffa is left behind. By making the soap around the luffa, once the first layer is worn off, the abrasiveness of the luffa helps to get things clean when combined with the lather from the soap. When I realized what they had done, I though that it was genius!
Although we have never made soap or grown luffa gourds yet, they are both on our to do list. We have started growing some useful gourds like scoop, dipper, and birdhouse gourds. Also, we know at least a few people who have made soap, and look forward to hopefully one day learning that skill for ourselves. I think that when we do give it a try, we will try putting some luffa inside it too. I think that it would sell well if we tried to market it, partially because of the novelty of it but also because of the practical usefulness.
Interestingly enough, it looks like we will finally be growing our own luffa sponges this year... thanks to steemit! Specifically, thanks to @em3 who blessed me earlier this year by sending me some in the mail along with some other incredible stuff. Here is the video where I get to open a package from @em3 and another one from @goldmatters too!
Anyway, this seemed like such a bizarre and yet practical idea, not only am I inspired to try it myself one day, I figured that I should share it with all of you too. So, have any of you ever made soap before? Have you ever grown your own luffas? Have you seen soap like this before? It was my first time. Do you think that this is a good idea? I really liked it!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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I grow luffas. My Gram grew them when I was young. Age called them dish rag gourds. I also make soap. I have not combined the two, but I will now. :)
Cool! When you do, please let me know!
Will do!
Done....finally! 😄 Here's the post.
I wonder if anyone's made a luffa soap that looks more like a dish sponge. You know the square ones with the scrubber on one side? Bar of soap one side, luffa on the other.
If you slice the luffa open like you would a green pepper, the ribs where the seeds were could help anchor your luffa into the soap so you could have more of it sticking out and you wouldn't need to wait so long for the luffa to start poking out and help with the cleaning.
Very, very good idea!That would be a great way to do it. Just pour the bar and then sink the luffa partially into it.
Exactly! I wonder though if the soap would melt faster because the luffah would keep it moist? But then again, you would have seen that with the slice of soap.
I think you’re on to somethin’!
Those sponges are awesome and they last a LONG time. They outlast the cheap plastic luffas.
All natural! Totally the best way to go! Can't wait to grow my own.
@papa-pepper. Did you know Immature Luffa Gourds can be eaten raw, or cooked like summer squash. If they are under 4 inches then they don't need to be peeled. If they are bigger, then you may wish to peel it, as the skin can sometimes be bitter.
Also the flowers on the ridged varieties can also be eaten as you would squash blossoms.
Just thought that you might like this bit of information. Have an awesome day.
Hahaahahaha that is really strange. Hahaha. Nothing scares you papa. You see opportunities everywhere. Kindly grow it. It will come in handy.
Hello... Papa,
nice :D
Making soap from kits is easy. Making it from scratch is another matter. 😜
Hmm... perhaps we will start with a kit then
You can send the lufa sponge as a steemit gift. Lolll
That I could!
very good
Always papa-pepper
Looks like some delicious snacks though 😂
That I did not try!
That is an awesome idea. I use a "scrunchy" in the shower with liquid soap, but combining the scrunchy / luffa with the soap, genius.
Yeah, someone really had a good idea with that.
The mystery soap demystified and very soon lufa soap will be produce by the pepper's
That's right!
That's an interesting idea. I want to try making soap sometime but wouldn't have thought able adding a scrub to it.
Me neither!
making your own soap is a great idea @papa-pepper, good luck
Whoa....looks like a fidget spinner. :)
That's where I've seen that before!
You are so creative, is there something for me right now? Upote if possible
Please, do not come here to beg for votes everyday. I don't mind you coming here, I've even checked out some of your stuff, but please do not BEG for support every day. Rather than UPvoting you, some people may actually DOWNvote you instead, so please be careful.
You came up with something great @papa-pepper... But I never had ideal it that so important in making stuff or in soap making... those stuff in pictures with @little-peppers are lots here ..It s usually used here to preserve stuff... Natively called akekere ngbe thx for sharing your new ideas here. Waiting to see the progress of it...
Interesting... Almost thought it was a naturally grown radio active symbol.... Quite the contrary!
LOL - Good point!
I can't help thinking of this:
Sure, that makes sense. I think I tried it once (soapmaking) back in those days, but we didn't get very far.
barbed wire fence?

LOL What I am wondering is just how long you would have remained in the dark about it... ;-)
Yes, sometimes I just wonder and don't bother to ask.
Just don't do the cat thing (my cats slap with claws to see what everything is just to see if it is deadly)...
Nice @papa-pepper
That is a very cool idea. I've never heard of luffa inside of the soap before but it looks really neat. :D
I look forward to seeing you make some in the future. :D
God bless you and the whole pepper clan. :D Have an awesome day! :D
It looks like the smiley face potato snacks they used to give us in my primary school :) Probably the only food I looked forward to (it was a catholic school with a lot of gruel on the menu!)
hereIf it's OK @papa-pepper , I've included your wild and strange contest in my article about the various Steem contests
Please do let me know if there is anything missing and if there are any other contests that you think I should feature. Thanks!
I LIKE it!
Next time my wife makes soap I'll tell her about this post. That would be a really useful addition to the bars she makes.
Yeah - Now I want to make soap just to try it this way!
Is really nice to take a close observation on a particular thing before you conclude had it been you did not closely observe the luffa on the soap you would have concluded that it is a strange soap. I will try to grow luffa sponge in my farm. Kudos to you brother.
What a great discovery this is for you.
Very lovely.
Yes, it was exciting and I feel inspired!
what soap is @papa-pepper, it looks like it's the content that's inside the pumpkin.
Yes, a very similar plant.
actually what soap is @papa-pepper.
From the thumbnail, I actually thought it was some kind of a smiley face lol.
i love your creative photography my friend. @papa-pepper
That's genius. An abrasive substance to aid in cleaning while soap supplies lather to carry the filth out. I'll tell my head manager.
I grew luffas and I make soap. But have never thought of putting them together! This is an ingenious idea. I must try this one. It makes so much sense...