Call for Astrophotographers (Amateurs Included)

in #amateur8 years ago (edited)

If you are trying out astrophotography (or maybe you just have a telescope lying around the house), you might want to give this a go.

The Planetary Science Institute (PSI) is crowd-sourcing for photo documentation of two comets flying by, the first of which will be visible around the end of this month (January) until end of July. The other one comes sometime in mid-February until March.

They have plotted the visibility path on the map, see the original post here:

THERE IS NO MONEY IN THIS EFFORT, but you will be credited for your work in the publication should your images be chosen---not bad for amateur astrophotography at all.

If you have the sophisticated equipment (and the sophisticated skills to go with it), good for you, you majestic bastard! ;P However, for those who are starting out and and do not know how to do this yet, there are some useful resources and tutorials online (Youtube, etc.).

Here are some videos that might help:

Some articles, too:

Or maybe you could ask this guy how he was able to capture this magnificent photo of the Moon using just a telescope and his iPhone.

Or any of these people who are also doing the same thing.

I haven't tried it myself so I can't give first-hand tutorials. I don't even own a telescope although it's on my wish list (hint). Good luck to those who will try this! :)


It's very interesting post :)
Thank you for sharing....

You're welcome. Thanks for reading :)