I'll be answering questions on this post for the next few hours
Ask Me Anything! I'll do my best to answer all questions below!

A Proud STEEMbassador of Canada
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Followed, Resteemed and Upvoted.Why did you came with name @klye?
My legal (or slave name as I like to call it) is Kyle.
Switch the Y and the L around and you get KLYE.. It was actually part of my DJ name which is "M R KLYE" ... Which is like "I am Kyle" but more handicapped sounding.
Thank you for your reply :)
No worries man..!
What brand of toilet roll do you use @klye? [Man I love these AMAs! UV/RS] :)
No name brand.. It's softness is somewhere between diamonds and sandpaper.
Cheers @klye ;) I dug deep within the #philosophy tag for this one! Ha ha! Cheers dude ... watch out for sandy bits!
Inquiring minds want to know :)
@ned nearly got this one, so I saved it for the next AMA victim! LOL :))
What's your favorite Star Trek series?
Oooh. Tough one.. I was a fan of Deep Space 9 as well as a die hard Picard fan.
Haven't watched it in years though. I don't watch much TV or Movies these days.
Good answer. I love DS9 but Picard is THE man. Thanks for answering my silly question, and so quickly.
All good sir. Thanks for asking and keepin' me on my toes!
Dude the only correct answer to that question was "Star Wars."
Star wars is dead to me after seeing the new disney offering out there..
The first 3.. or last 3.. The originals were my favourite and what I grew up with for star wars. Jar Jar binks and Anakin can immolate themselves in a vat of hooker swank and rabies.
Describe what it was like using mspaint for the first time.
I remember it like it was yesterday...
The excitement of crudely drawn bitmaps all over the screen.. Absolutely heavenly when you get into it really. MS-Paint is what true artists use. Pencils, Crayons, Paint and Charcoal art mediums are all for noobs in comparison.
When I started out here and was trying to find my role here some interesting art was made..
Taken from an early KLYE post: https://steemit.com/crypto/@klye/how-to-milk-a-steem-whale
whoa! Not what I was expecting... This is silimar to my first mspaint masterpiece.
That tag really inspired me... I remember seeing a book called "I will teach you how to be rich." I hated the title since it was literally the cockiest title I had ever seen. I read more into the author and he is actually a nice guy.
I still hate the title though, and I've hacked it into something more appropriate for our accommodations.
WOnderful artwork sir! I approve
Can you make me an avatar that captures my essence?
Of course! Should I draw you like one of my french girls with a dick or what?
I've been neglecting my artistic side now that I'm focused more on coding but will gladly do you a avatar portrait. :)
I'll leave it up to you :)
Dat beard tho. <3
Been cultivating it for quite a while now!
10 / 10 would bang
Hahahaha! No offense @bacchist! That was just too funny!
What is your favourite thing to draw in Paint?
Yeah, it's probably dicks, but besides that :)
Well, You know I have an affinity for drawing dicks on everything in MS-Paint..
My next favourite is whale balls or portraits of users here on STEEM or other sites.. I actually have a sweet gallery with all my old art in it..
NSFW: http://imgur.com/a/sFhLx
Haha, that's pure gold!
You should make a drawing timelapse video.
You wouldn't believe how much some of those portraits were worth in commissions.. The dick tree in that album features a guy called AK and he gave me 1.6BTC to draw his dick the biggest of them all.. Bitcoin was around $400 USD back then..
I've not got anything other than my word and art to back it up but I have a sneaky suspicion I might be the highest paid dick doodler in crypto when I was in my prime.
pubes obv
Hi Klye, what the latest with streams app project? Its something I would love to see and would be happy to donate. :)
Those guys sadly never paid me a damn dime for any of the work I did for them.. Initially the deal was dev work for BTC.. Then thye started paying me in thirsty shares which are worth less that the effort to dump them for the fraction of a cent they were worth last I checked..
Fucking sucks. The idea if executed well may have had potential but I'm not sure that their development team has the required skillset or background to complete the project. Basically built a GUI and media player from scratch for the thirsty collective and got fired without pay when I got stressed out about working for free. :/
Oh dear that doesn't sound good, I hope we can cobble together some talented folks to create something like this, even just a simple version where tracks are uploaded and an upvote gets the user a free download and also adds the track to a playlist. This would revolutionise the music business because steemit rewards the artist and fans simply by voting
Perhaps when I have time to do so I might have a whack at building what thirsty hasn't been able to yet. Have to see.
I've got far bigger fish to fry at the moment. As much as I love music and the thought of making crypto powered soundcloud the truth is no one buys music anymore and it would be a bitch to monetize in my opinion.
Understood regarding your other projects and commitments and I get that nobody buys music anymore, thats the whole point of having a steem app for music because the fan doesn't have to pay anything in order for the artist to be rewarded. Surely it is already 'monetized' by being on the steem blockchain?
I get the point of the app. Can's see myself putting in development hours though for something I don't believe with be worth while.
Was going through a bad break up, had to much shit on the go and then to top it all off had pressure from Kohi to push forwards without even so much as a paycheck or anything. My time is far to valueable to put in work for people that can't even pay the developer crafting their golden goose.
It will come eventually. I've got some massive project offerings on the way in the next weeks and month.. Perhaps when I find some time I'll re-visit the idea that Thirsty set out to create but were unable to achieve given lack of funding.
Sorry, to ninja cut-in on you and @bleepcoin conversation ,but one idea ( not even sure doable ) would be to have some way of 'upvote' unlocking of content. Surprised it hasn't been done. So 'x' amount of $ has to be reached , or even 'upvotes' before the content in the post becomes visiable. Just throwing this as an idea out there to someone. I thought maybe TIPPY could be the catalyst to such a thing. Not to sound crude , but nudies and the such could be tipped /upvoted/min. amount reached whatever it might be and it unlocks. Just brainstorming because it's fun!
Cool, good luck and pleased you are gonna keep it in mind, I would be glad to donate if we get to that point.
I wonder if any other steemit developers are interested?
What do you predict the price of Steem will be at the end of 2017?Hello @klye
We'll either be moon bound, laying in a smoldering crater or somewhere in between..
I do have a gut feeling though that STEEM will be worth far more than it is now one day. HODL if you can and wait for the rocket to the moon to start boarding. :)
Great AMA!
Who has been the most helpful person on Steem to you?
And whom have you helped the most?
That is a tough question! I've met so many wonderful, supportive and kind individuals on here I can't think to name just one.
I've had the whole community band togetherbehind me to get me where I am today. A bunch of my fellow witnesses have helped me, as have the long time users I've grown to call friends on here. Even Steemit Inc has sponsored my deveopment quest here on the network.
I can't simply name one person who has helped the most. As the whole damn network has been so good to me.
Sums it up pretty much right :D
Thanks for the AMA!
BTW, do you watch anime or read manga by any chance?
I don't really watch much for TV or shows often these days but a few years back a friend of mine showed Full Metal Alchemist to me.. Probably my favourite of all time.
Tried to get into other animes. Attack on Titan I watched a bit of and enjoyed but I haven't really seen much other than the 2 mentioned above that really perked my interests.
Great! Those two are on my to-watch list. You might wanna watch Death Note and Parasyte if you get some time - worth watching.
Death Note wasn't my schtick. Parasyte I'll have to check out though. Thanks for the suggestions.
Fullmetal is a hard bar to surpass, that's for sure. Have you tried Bleach yet? That was my barrier to entry back in the day. Cowboy Bebop is a great one as well.
Do you prefer the DickButt , or Tippy ?
Tippy, hands down.
Dickbutt was a great learning tool but it cannot compare to the sheer power and functionality of dear tippy!
What's the meaning of life?
Or Hedonism. Whatever floats your goat.
What's your drink of choice?
Tangerauy #10 and Purple Grape Juice..
Not even shitting you. A bit of Gin and Juice is one of the finer points in life!
Sunrype makes a great concord grape drank. If I remember to do so I'll take a picture of it and post it back here in a bit..!
The fuel that TIPPY was built on! :)
Hopefully, some fine weed too!
btw: not sure how I missed this beauty of an AMA! :)
Tippy was ported over from Python to NodeJS over a bottle of GIn and grape drink. Of course a bit of weed too. I function far better when I have a bit of a haze on.
I know gin is a big deal these days, but I've not got into it. I generally stick to beer or whisky
Whiskey and brews was my kick back in the days (gosh I sound old) but the rye / whiskey gives me a terrible case of heartburn the last few times I sat down and enjoyed it.
Gin ain't for everyone. It's somewhere between pine cones, licorice and paint thinner but I've never found a booze so damn smooth.
Hey baby ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?
Never had my taint licked by a rotund male sadly..! err whut
It said "ask me anything" and I got flagged :(
I bequeath you, one sympathetic upvote. Also, @klye what is your preferred method for purchasing BTC with Fiat?
I haven't bought BTC in years!
I've been fortunate enough to be able to trade my knowledge and skills for bitcoin and other crypto currencies. It's been YEARS since I actually had a fiat paycheck to be honest..! Only thing that motivates me is happiness and crypto-currencies!
I believe the last time I bought BTC with Fiat was ~2 year ago and it was trough localbitcoins.com and the method was cash deposit into the guys bank account.
Now that's an interesting story, do you somehow buy groceries with Crypto? I kinda hope you say yes.
I every so often sell a bit of my holdings to pay bills, get food and get supplies for my coding endevours.. Mainly beef jerky and Gin.
I HATE selling crypto for crappy fiat currency.. Nothing but a bad idea the government issued currencies imho.
Ha....ha... ! :)
Do you really look like Jesus ? :o
Yes. I am basically STEEM Jesus actually...
But with 9000% MOAR DICKS!
WoW, a men with 91 dicks, that's insane O.o You'll have to draw it on MS paint !
It's like an octupus of dick...!
YO. Just voted for you as witness, btw. Thanks for your contributions to the community! You really put a lot of work into this place, don't you?
I try to man. STEEM an it's community has certainly helped me become more motivated and to embrace my skills.
Can you load and run the dishwasher?
Pleeeaaase. 😅
Yeah I'll have it run and emptied by time you get home Lovely.
Are you now, or have you ever been, a skateboarder?
Fuck yeah man. I skated a bunch as a teenager from 12-16 or so..
Ended up picking it back up a few years ago at age 26.. Till some fucking punk bastard snuck into my yard and stole my board.. Still waiting to see the fool skate by me on it so I can clothesline them and perhaps bludgeon them a bit for being a friggin' thief. D:<
I had a feeling!
I used to skate as a kid, too. From like 13-19. Almost went "pro".
One time, my brother and I were skating along, and we found this perfect board in a vacant lot. It was perfect and we just took it. Maybe it was your board traveled through space and time... or not.
Do you love or hate this whole longboarding choadary happening with the hipsters these days?
Longboarding downa mountain is one thing... But if you are using it to cart your ass around you may as wel just get a bike imho. Buncha posers.
Are you a fan of comics? Webcomics?
I love the illustrations but can't read for pleasure anymore it seems.
As an aspiring MS Paint artist myself:
Are there any good tutorial videos on youtube ?
If not, could you make one ?
One of these days when I don't look like a insomniac goonie and feel like making a tutorial I'd gladly share my process.
What would be a perfect day for you, but away from technology and crypto?
Eventually when finances and time allow it I'm going to buy myself a dirt bike or motorcycle. Freedom for me when I was a kid was hoping on my old Yamaha dirt bike and cruising the country side.
Always been a fan of motorized vehicles! Just haven't been able to afford such luxury the past half decade. Maybe once I get a bit more financial padding underneath myself n some of my projects generating revenue I'll start lookin'
I can totally see that being a way to 'dis-connect' and I'll bet it'll come together sooner rather than later. Excellent answer and thanks!
I spend 30 hours a day in front of a monitor staring at text.. It's nice to have a reason to get excited to go outside and do things. Maybe this summer. We'll see..!
Yeah, that would get tedious. At least with my job I'm forced to go out and walk. Getting paid to do it helps. Maybe you could find a gig doing something for a motorcycle shop...
Perhaps! I've got a bit of a superiority complex though when it comes to employment.. If I see it as worth while I'm there with bells on my heels.. But if by chance I get rubbed the wrong way or the bossman tries to crawl up my ass for something I'm generally the first one to tell them where to stick their work and walk away.
It's not that I'm afraid of work..! It's just I have better things to do with my life than take orders and slave to build someone else's empire.
Mechanically inclined for sure and slowly been collecting and purchasing tools to help me fix up an older bike when I find the right one. Certainly march to the beat of my own drum, can't stand life any other way. :)
I was thinking along the lines of bartering your skills and know-how in tech for bike parts or somesuch. I suspected a regular 9-5 wasn't your happy place. (Mine either, now, too.)
Is it true that you are Just-Dice legend?
Oh god. JD was the first online community that accepted me for who I was at the time. Truth be told I used to be a straight up fuckin' degenerate loser with a gambling addiction who would piss away everything because I hadn't yet realized how much marketable talents and skills I possessed.
I drop by JD from time to time but it's kind of just a wee bit depressing to think of how much time I spent there doing nothing with my life. Gotta say though that some of the boys in the JD chat are the reason I made it this far.
I'm sorry for your loss. That was unbelievable. I was there at that time as investor but to small to earn anything.
I've not forgotten my dues nor will I consider myself anything greater than pond froth until I can get that all settled and redeem some honour. I'm glad I didn't off myself back then.. Certainly had a few years after that where I lost nearly all my ambition and drive.. But as they say, Time and hard work fixes everything. Although with BTC rallying as it did I was certainly sweating.
I think I'll get a hold of my main backers sometime tomorrow and see if I can start to settle things. While I'm by no means a made man nor wealthy by any means I do have a bit of expendable funds at the moment.
Perhaps by the end of the year assuming I can stay on the course I am may see a long overdue redemption of self. I'm just praying BTC doesn't go moonbound before I have a chance to set things proper.
What are your favorite quote?
-Omerta, Lamb of God
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @klye!
I have two questions.
Where are those transmissions you intercepted? What have you done with those plans?
Please don't post crap like this on my stuff dude.. Cmon.
aren't you going, as a deviant artist, to join this? https://steemit.com/art/@art-trail/2nd-art-trail-contest-uncanny-share-your-art-and-win-750-tokens-and-20-steem
Likely not. Wayyy to busy building the next great STEEM app.
Thank you for the heads up though! Maube next round
I have an i7 HP Pavilion. Would it be useful for mining? If so, some direction would b greatly appreciated. Helping Others TO Help 1 By 1.
Mining what? The POW of STEEM was removed a while back unfortunately.
You might have some luck with CPU only coins but I've not really kept up with mining for a while now.
Could for a few minutes if you need someone to talk to. Busy as hell making the tippy engine intuitive.
What needs done?