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RE: howo: AMAA (ask me almost anything)

in #ama4 years ago

Your list of what is left to be done is pretty accurate good to see we're on the same wave length.

I would think that there could also be a good business opportunity for a company to setup a CC-fiat processor that either converts to create that re-current transaction OR the user would have to setup with them to get fiat payments. (Not as cool as free easy hive transactions)

I think there is a pretty simple pay-wall solution we are looking at. We would still love to see encryption have a decentralized nature even if not totally trust-less. Meaning this... that the content creator could trust the platform ( with the decryption ability and then tell that platform who qualifies as being able to read the content. Obviously this means they'd identify their qualifications for who gets access.

I would hope the interfaces would work together to use this simple type protocol and work to be worthy of the trust of their content creators. And then they'd have to agree on an ENCRYPTION method to help their content creators implement in their content.

Do you think that the hive community is going to be annoyed by encrypted posts? Or how much and in what cases do you think they'll be annoyed?


On the CC fiat processor I think it's mostly about regulation hurdles more than technical hurdles

Do you think that the hive community is going to be annoyed by encrypted posts? Or how much and in what cases do you think they'll be annoyed?

I assume there will definitely be some downvotes sent here and there, but we could make it easier for everyone two-fold:

  • encrypted posts instead of just being gibberish would display a neat "this post is locked, please visit the creator's support page to unlock it"
  • front ends could make it so that encrypted posts are with declined payout (which solves the issue with potential self vote farms)